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into the penitentiary; that the said Thaw had begged me time and time again to swear to written documents which he had prepared, involving this married man and charging him with drugging me when I was 15 years of age. This was not so; and I so told him.

"But because I refused to sign these papers said Thaw not alone threatened me with bodily injury, but inflicted on me the great bodily injury I have herein described.

"Subscribed to before me this 27th day of October, 1903.

"Sworn to before me this 27th day of October, 1903."

(Signature of notary.)

"The state rests," announced District Attorney Jerome after reading the affidavit, and Attorney Delmas then attacked Hummel. He read the record of Hummel's conviction in the Dodge-Morse divorce scandal, in which the lawyer was accused—just as Evelyn Thaw had accused him—of preparing a false affidavit and false testimony. When Hummel was on the witness stand he denied that in drawing the affidavit he was acting as counsel for Evelyn Nesbit; the document itself proved that he was. The papers were to have been filed, it was stated, in a suit for damages against Thaw.

More sensations were ahead.