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I was much concerned, and with my assistant and Drs. MacDonald and Mabon held a long conference. I then called in other alienists, and after submitting to them all the evidence I had in my possession they joined with the others in declaring Thaw a paranoiac.

"I am convinced Harry Thaw should be tried for his life."

To strengthen his argument, the prosecutor gave Justice Fitzgerald several letters written by Thaw to J. Dennison Lyon, his Pittsburg banker. Some were written before the tragedy and some while Thaw was in the Tombs, but all, Jerome asserted, went to show Thaw was insane. One of these letters, written from the Republican Club, was as follows:

"Dear Denny—I'm sorry that the manager of Miss N's (Evelyn Nesbit) hotel is an idiot. She stopped one night at a place called the Cumberland, but was disturbed by street noises. No one was moved, and all meals were served. Now she has a better place, with a nice woman—Mrs. Kane (Caine), a friend of her family.

"I never saw this Sweat, nor spoke nor wrote to him. You know of her misfortunes.

"Mr. Holman married her mother three years too late. He is trying to keep her quiet, and must do so. Should the facts come out, no one but would believe she sold the child to the most notorious dastard in New York. Everything proves it.

"I, and a few other persons, know she did not