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were gathered together by Clerk Penny and made into a bundle.

The reading of the testimony of Policeman Dennis Wright and John Anthony and Peter Barrett, doormen of the Nineteenth precinct police station, followed.

Meyer Cohen's testimony had been largely a personal demonstration by himself of Thaw's attitude after the shooting and his manner of approaching Stanford White. Henry S. Plaise was with Cohen the night of the tragedy.

Finally the jury asked to hear again the testimony of the doormen on duty at the Tenderloin precinct police station the night of Thaw's arrest and who gave testimony as to the defendant claiming to hear the voices of young girls.

Juror Pink, who undoubtedly was in very bad shape, delayed the reading of the testimony to the jury by asking permission to retire for a few minutes. He tottered from the room accompanied by an officer and seemed near a collapse.

After an absence of five minutes he resumed his place in the jury box, looking very pale and tired.

Lastly the jurymen asked to have read to them the testimony of Evelyn Thaw so far as it related to the shooting, the testimony of Thomas McCaleb as to where the party was sitting on the roof garden, and the testimony of Dr. Allen McLane Hamilton so far as it was allowed before the jury.