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BOOK I. 4-8

4.—On the Temple of St. John the Baptist ("the Forerunner") in the property of Studius

Studius built this fair house to John the great servant of Christ, and quickly gained the reward of his work by obtaining the consular fasces.

5.—On the Church of St. Thomas the Apostle in the property of Amantius

This house thou didst make for God, Amantius, in the middle of the sea, combating the swirling waves. Nor south nor north wind shall shake thy holy house, guarded as it is by this divine temple. May thy days be many; for thou by invading the sea hast made New Rome more glorious.

6.—On the Church of St. Theodore in the land of Sphoracius

Sphoracius having escaped from a fire built this temple to the Martyr.

7.—On the Same

Sphoracius, Antolius thy nephew rejoiced in repaying during thy life thy kindness in bringing him up, and now thou art dead ever pays thee grateful honour; so that he found for thee a new honour, and laid thee in the temple thou thyself didst build.

8.—On the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul near St. Sergius in the property of Hormisdas

Honouring the King of Kings, Christ, with his works, Justinian built this glorious temple to Peter