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The Green Bag.

away the old system of clerkship, and had other place of the same size. It, more than declared that any man should be admitted to any other, combines the advantages of city practise law, provided he was found qualified and country, presenting the abundant means on an examination by examiners appointed and opportunities for iThprovement of the by the court. As if this were not loose one, with the good health and cheapness of enough, it was enacted that the diploma of living of the other. As the capital, it is the Albany Law School should entitle the during the winter months the seat of legis holder to admission to practice without any lation, with all its incidental benefits. In its examination at bar! It was a common thing State Library, soon to have a building es for the Law School pecially erected for its to grant a diploma on pre six months' study in sents the best selected, the Law School; and if not the most exten sive law library in the many students ripened into lawyers in six United States. months, without other "Besides these, the study or any exami Trustees feel confident nation in court, being that no other city of admitted on motion the same size can offer of the Faculty.1 This to the law student state of things con equal facilities for the tinued until 1871, acquisition of legal when a new system knowledge. A special was adopted and a term of the Supreme new course of prepa Court for the hearing ration was required of motions is held on by the State, so that the last Tuesday of now, from having been every month. Courts the loosest, its require either for the trial of ments have become jury causes or of argu the most stringent in ments at bar are al the United States. It most constantlyin ses must be said for the sion, and the students IRA HARRIS. Law School that it is have thus opportuni alleged, and I believe ties of witnessing the truly, that no graduate of the school has ever progress of trials and of arguments con been rejected by the court examiners.

ducted and made by men who are eminent In the first circular issued by the Trustees in the profession. The examples thus af in 1851, they said : "They suppose also that forded, in the efforts of men who occupy the they are presenting to the young men of the first rank in the profession, cannot fail to State and Nation facilities for acquiring va produce the most salutary effect. Few ried knowledge which are nowhere else to American cities, and none of the same size, be found of equal extent. The city of Al can boast an array of legal talent superior bany is more centrally situated than any to the city of Albany. The recent passage of the amendments to the Code, perma 1 The writer of these lines was one of these nently locating the sessions of the Court of favored individuals; but fortunately for him and his clients, he had studied in a law office for three years Appeals in the city of Albany, is a circum stance of great importance in its bearing previously.