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The Law School of Cumberland University.


be successful. There were more students and one of the first graduates of the school, and more classes than one teacher could was chosen. He had been since 1849 en gaged vigorously in the pursuit of the pro properly instruct. He at once The trustees elected Hon. Nathan Green, fession in Lebanon, Tenn. at that time one of the judges of the Su abandoned the practice and gave his whole preme Court of Tennessee, and Hon. time to the work. Afterward, in 1859, John C. Carter, son-in-law of Judge Caruthers, Broomfield L. Ridley, one of the Chancel lors of the State, additional professors; was appointed an additional professor, but

which positions they accepted. These gen he continued only one year. Thus at the break tlemen for several ing out of the war, in years devoted only 1 86 1, there were three their court vacations to the work of the Law teachers giving their School. But this was whole time to the school, and there was not satisfactory, as it full employment for often threw the whole them all. Many young burden upon the resi gentlemen whose par dent professor. Judge ents were planters and Green was induced, men of large means, therefore, to resign his attended the school position on the Su in order to make them preme Bench and give his whole time to the selves more accom school. This he did plished citizens, and in 1852. Judge Rid without intending to ley's services were then follow the profession not needed. Judge as a business. Green had been on At the time of the the Supreme Bench for issuance of President more than twenty Lincoln's proclama years. He had become tion on the 13th of well known to the pro April, 1861, calling fession in Tennessee for troops to suppress ABRAHAM CARUTHERS. and to the country in the insurrection, the general. He was in school was enjoying the fulness of his intellectual manhood. the highest degree of prosperity. But Thus adding his great reputation and ripe scarcely a week had elapsed after that nota experience to the splendid abilities of the ble event, before the school was entirely first professor, the two could not have failed broken up and the exercises ceased. Most of to attract the youth of the country. They the young men went to their homes at once. flocked around them as the youth of Athens Some enlisted as United States soldiers to used to gather about their great philoso fight for the Union; but the great mass, phers. The success of the school during being from the South, became Confederate their administration was unparalleled. They soldiers. During the war nearly every toiled zealously and faithfully together un alumnus of the school was engaged in actual til 1856, when another professor became conflict. Many were killed in battle, many died in the army, and many were maimed necessary. Nathan Green, Jr., son of Judge Green, for life. So great was the upheaval and so 9