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The Green Bag.

Harte, in " Progress and Poetry," claims that this James Richardson. The fiction of the number age is as heroic as any other, and as worthy of includes the second chapter of Mr. Howells's new the poets; he also gives a careful estimate of the novel, " The World of Chance; " a characteristic work of James Whitcomb Riley. Rev. William short story by Richard Harding Davis, entitled H. Savage in a gossipy antiquarian strain gives the " Eleanore Cuyler," illustrated by C. D. Gibson; "Annals of an Old Parish," — Watertown, Mass. I and another French-Canadian sketch, " La CaThe article is finely illustrated. George Ethelbert bane," by William McLennan. Walsh contributes a good story called " A Summer Wooing," and other stories are contributed by With the April number the Cosmopolitan com Ethel Davis and May L. Adams. pletes its twelfth volume in a manner worthy the wide and growing popularity of this magazine. The leading article is on " Genoa, — the home of The April Arena is rich in able, thoughtful pa pers. Its table of contents is as varied as it is Columbus," written by Murat Halstead, and illus trated from photographs of all the principal relics of inviting, as will be noted from the following : " Vi tal Statistics of the Negro," by Frederick L. Hoff the great navigator which remain in Genoa. " Tor man; "The Money Question," by Hon. John pedoes in Coast Defence " is the title of a timely Davis, M. C; " Volapiik, the World Language," by paper by Lieut. A. M. D'Armit of the U. S. Army. Wallace Wood treats of " Homes of the Renais Alfred Post; "The Speaker in England and Amer ica," by Henry George, Jr; '. Rational Views of sance " in an illustrated paper : and William H. Heaven and Hell," by Rev. George St. Clair; Rideing is the author of a delightfully written and "The Farmers' Alliance and its Leaders," by profusely illustrated article on " The Crew of a Annie L. Diggs (illustrated by two full-page por Transatlantic Liner." Other papers are " The traits and four smaller photogravures); " Pontifex Theatre of To-day," by Cora Maynard; "Two English Men of Letters." by Brander Matthews; Maximus," by W. D. McCrackan; " A Remark able Psychical Experience," by Louise Chandler "All Sorts and Conditions of Men," by Edward Moulton; " How Uncle Nottoway squashed the Everett Hale; " A Living Opal." by Ernest IngerIndictment," a Southern character sketch, by Will soll," and "Count Leon Tolstoi," a description of Allen Dromgoole; Part IV. of " A Spoil of Of the family life of the great Russian novelist and fice," by Hamlin Garland; "Two Hours in the reformer by a friend of his family. Beside all these attractions, the April Cosmopolitan is rich Social Cellar," by B. O. Flower. in fiction and poetry. Harper's Magazine for April opens with Fdwin A. Abbey's superb illustrations of " The Tempest." The complete novel in Lippincoit's Magazine accompanied by Andrew Lang-s interesting and for April, " But Men must Work, is by the wellscholarly comment. The principal illustrated arti known and popular author. Rosa Nouchette Carey. cles are a graphic description of Lake Superior, In the Athletic Series Julian Hawthorne sounds "Brother to the Sea, by Julian Ralph; the third the praises of walking, which he considers the chapter of the famous Danube papers, " From the only proper mode of locomotion; and C. Davis Black Forest to the Black Sea," written by F. D. English expounds the mysteries of Four-in-Hand Millet; "An Indian Fair in the Mexican Hot Driving. The Countess Norraikow gives a brief Country," by Sylvester Baxter; and "The Last history of the leading Nihilists, and traces the fam Days of Percy Bysshe Shelley," by Guido Biagi. ine in Russia to heavy taxes and misgovemment. Other papers of peculiar importance and timeliness " Milk for Babes," a short but important article, are " Western Modes of City Management," an by Mrs. Louise Hogan, discloses facts which bear article of great value for its suggestiveness, by I directly on the health and life of children. There Julian Ralph; "The Mystery of Columbus." a are short stories by Julien Gordon and George startling exposition of facts from contemporary Edgar Montgomery. The poetry of the number records, by Eugene Lawrence. An intensely in is by Robert Loveman, Sibylla Vernon, Florence teresting chapter of geological history, "The An Earle Coates, Isabel Gordon, and Charles Washcient Lake Region of America," is contributed by I ington Coleman.