Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 05.pdf/172

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Editorial Department.

games of ball or other athletic sports, and return ing immediately to his books. From 1851 to 1854 he taught a district school, continuing his studies incessantly, and then entering the Louisville law school, obtaining the money for this purpose by selling his interest in a small piece of land left him by his uncle Jacob. Graduating from the law school after a two years' course, he returned to Marshall, was admitted to the bar, and in 1856, when only twenty-two years old, was elected State's Attorney for the fourth judicial circuit.

In 1860 he was elected to the Legislature of Illinois. All this time he kept up a moderately large but constantly increasing law practice in five or six counties. In 1869 lie was elected without opposition to represent the counties of Clark and Cumberland in the Constitutional Convention. In 1870 he was appointed general solicitor for Illinois of the Vandalia Railroad, a place which he resigned three years later to go on the Supreme Bench. In 1879 Judge Scholfield was re-elected without opposition, Republicans as well as Democrats cast ing their votes for him. He was again elected in 1888.


The Arena.

Religious Thought in Japan. Kinza M. Hirai; The New Education and Character, Prof. Joseph R. Buchanan; A Defence of Shakespeare, Dr. W. J. Rolfe; Proportional Representation, W. D. McCrackan; The New Old Testament, Rabbi Solomon Schindler; The Power and Value of Money, Rev. M. J. Savage; Women Wage-Earners, II., Helen Campbell; The Minority, Gottfrid E. Huet.

The Atlantic.

Old Kaskaskia, II., Mary Hartwell Catherwood; Books and Reading in Jceland, William E. Mead; Penelope's English Experiences, II., Kate Douglas Wiggin; Under the Far West Greenwood Tree, Louise H. Wall; English Cambridge in Winter, Albert G.Hyde; The Feudal Chiefs of Acadia, II., III., Francis Parkman; Count Rumford, George E. Ellis; Alex. Randall's Confession, Margaret C. Graham; The Courage of a Soldier. S R. Elliott; White Mountain Forests in Peril, Julius H. Ward; Shakespeare and Copyrights, Horace Davis; Thomas Williams Parsons, Richard Hovey; English Cathedrals.

The Century.

An Embassy to Provence, I. (illustrated), Thomas A. Janvier; Balcony Stories, I.. II. (illustrated), Grace King: Sweet Bells out of Tune, IV. (illustrated), Mrs. Burton Harrison; Stray Leaves from a Whaleman's Log (illustrated), James T. Brown: Franz Liszt, Camille Saint-Saens; Benefits Forgot. III., Walcott lialestier; The Voice of Tennyson, Henry Van Dyke; An Art Impetus in Turkey (illustrated), John P. Peters; Goliath. Thomas Bailey Aldrich; The Cosmopolis City Club, II., Washington Gladden, Life in the Malay Peninsula. John Fairlie. Leaves from the Autobiography of Salvini, Tommasso Salvini; A Voice for Russia, Pierre Bothine.

The Cosmopolitan

Monte Carlo (illustrated), H. C. Farnham : The Beet Sugar Industry (illustrated), H. S. Adams; Toki M u rata (illustrated), Sewall Read; Oriental Rugs (illustrated), S. G. W. Benjamin; James G. Blaine, T. C. Crawford; The Evolution of Naval Construction, S. Eardly-Wümot; June, 1993. Julian Hawthorne; Democracy and the Mother Tongue, John C. Adams; The Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fé Railway System (illustrated), Charles S. Gleed; A Traveller from Altruria, William D. Howells; Lord Beaconsfield (illustrated), Adam Badeau.

The Forum.

Tariff Reform, Retrospective and Prospective, David A. Wells; The Art of Writing History, W. E. H. Lecky; Medicine as a Career, Dr. J. S. Billings Emotional Tension and the Modern Novel, F. Marion Crawford; How to Prevent the Coming of Cholera. Sir Spencer Wells; The Public Schools of Boston, Dr. J. M. Rice; The Future of Poetry, Charles L. Moore; How to Solve the Housekeeping Problem, Frances M. Abbott; Imminent Danger from the Silver-Purchase Act, George Fred Williams; Negro Suffrage a Failure . Shall We Abolish It? John С. Wyckliffe: A Practical Remedy for the Evils of Immigration, Gustav H. Schwab.


Twelfth Night (illustrated) Edwin A. Abbey; Whittier (illustrated), Annie Fields: New Orleans, Our Southern Capital (illustrated), Julian Ralph: The Refugees, Part II., A. Conan Doyle; Bristol in the Time of Cabot (illustrated). John B. Shipley: Horace Chase, a novel, II., Constance Fenimore Woolson; Recollections of George William Curtis (illustrated). John W. Chadwick; Lide, a story, Robert C. V. Meyers; Tio Juan, a story, Maurice Kingsley.


The First Flight, Julian Gordon; Men who Reigned : Barnett, Greeley, Raymond. Prentice. Firney (with portraits), John Russell Young; Josiah's