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The Green Bag.

pretended to give a sacred history of the confusion? Why cannot cases be decided earth, and the choosing of a God by ballot. along great principles of law and equity? The society was incorporated under the Why need there be so much sophistry and name and style of the " First Church of technicality? Mind, you, no attempt is in Tae." One of the fair members of this society tended here to introduce reform discus sion. The writer is not so sure that any re composed some touching and alleged beauti ful lines. The court held that she could not form is called for by the exigencies of the be convicted for this, since not a party to case. It occurs to me here that this very penthe action. Nellie Jones was the name of this sweet singer; and the court says : citant of lawyers for sophistical reasoning and "When the plaintiff and Nellie Jones formed "hair-splitting," to use a vulgarism, may be their inner circle, and like the morning stars the first cause of the multiplicity of law sang together, it matters not whether they books and reports. Thus it is that we are kept step to the martial strains of Dixie, overwhelmed with law literature; and the or declined their voices to the softer melody poor and rich practitioner alike are dazzled of ' Little Annie Rooney,' the plaintiff be with the array, and confronted with the dif came forever estopped from setting up a ficulty of knowing where to find the law claim for work and labor done, nor can he among this " mob of a million feet." But the writer is well aware that he who be heard to say that he has suffered great anguish of mind in consequence of the dis complains of an existing error or evil of this honor and humiliation brought on himself kind should have something to offer by way and children by reason of his connection with of a corrective or substitutive measure, in said defendant's community. His joining in order to relieve him of the charge of being a the exercises aforesaid constitutes aclear case mere faultfinder. In the first place, this article makes no of estoppel in Fac." So we see what phases of humanity's troubles come before the court, complaint by intention. We are impressed with the importance of this assertion of Mr. and serve to establish precedent. The courts nowadays seem to require a Chief-Justice Sharswood, and we are curious great display of law-books before them. about it. Is this difficulty going to require Precedent and parallelism rule the times. 'lawyers to become walking editions of encyRecently, as told by the " Green Bag," a clopaedic information, and pocket editions of lawyer walked down the street with his arms the " Digests of all the reports of all the filled with a lot of law-books. A friend courts of last resort, of England and Canada meeting him remarked, pointing to the as well as the United States, together with most of the intermediate courts of the United books, — "Why, I thought you carried all that stuff States, with copious references to articles in law journals, and a " bird's-eye view " of in your head?" "I do," quickly replied the lawyer, with a everything else outside of these? If so, then knowing wink. " These are for the judges." possibly the time may come to which Taci Plautus says, " You know not what a tick tus refers when he says, " The State is most lish thing it is to go to law; " and verily, my corrupt when the laws are most multiplied." brethren, the force of such an assertion is At any rate, there will be less lawyers to "fret " the State. The number of lawyers getting to be felt more and more. capable of succeeding as great depositaries ot Now, why this is so is food for thought. There are comparatively few great princi legal lore, or rather under the new r/gime ples of law. The law, while progressive in "case law," so called by courtesy of the a sense, is an exact scienoe. Then why this bookmakers, " case-winners," is limited.