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Legal Education in Modern Japan. since resigned, and is now practising law. present occupations of the 307 graduates Before him the position was filled by Mr. are distributed as follows : administrative offi Hozumi Nobushige, barrister of the Middle cials, 106; judicial officials, 114; teachers, Temple, and still on the staff of instructors. ii; lawyers, 22; students abroad, 12; cor Anglo-American law is ably represented by poration officers, 8; graduate students at the the cnief instructor, Mr. Alexander Tison,1 university, 3; unknown, 20; and the deaths an A.M. and LL.B. of the Harvard Law number, 13. This list, of course, contains School. Associated with him is Mr. Hiji- duplicate insertions. kata Yasushi, a barrister of the Middle Tem 2. Meiji Law School. ple, recently returned from England.

Of Meiji ("enlightened government "j is, as the other Japanese every one knows, the professors, one of the ablest is Mr. Miyazaki name of the period covered by the pres Michisaburo, who at present lectures on ent reign, and is often Roman and German used as the title of law. Trained in Ger institutions. This law school was founded many, his special in terest since his return some eleven years ago has been the early by a few earnest dis institutions of his ciples of French law, own country; and it who had then recently is to him, with one returned from a course or two others, that of study in France. we must look for Marquis Saionji, since the most valuable re then Minister to Ger sults in the depart many, was among ment of native Japa them. The school nese law. The entire opened with seven lec staff of professors turers and 381 stu numbers fifteen; there dents. It has added are one assistant pro to its staff from time HATOYAMA KAZl'O. (President of the Semmon Law School.) fessor and six lec to time, and enlarged turers. The remain its quarters, and in ing foreigners are Dr. Reirlliod (French popularity with law students it has been led Law), Dr. Lönholm (German Law), Dr. Eg- by the English law school only. The num gert (Finance), and M. Boissonade (Civil ber of regular lecturers is fifteen, and the Code). Of the whole staff of professors, students number 1115. There are two perhaps one half give substantially their departments, — La.v and Political Science. whole time to this institution. The law course is as follows : — The whole number of graduates (counting FIRST VKAR. since 1886 only) is 307. The average age Hours per Week. at graduation was, in 1889, twenty-four years Criminal Code 3 eight months; in 1890, twenty-four years Criminal Procedure Code i ten months; in 1891, twenty-five years. The Civil Code (Persons) i 1 To whom I am indebted for some of the information regarding this school. 4

'• "(Property) General Principles.