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The Green Bag.

College, Eugenia Skelding; The Breakers, Charles Washington Coleman; " The Ogre of Alewife Cove," Edith M. Thomas; Studies in the Correspondence of Petrarch, II., Harriet Waters Preston and Louise Dodge; Ben, A. M. Ewell; Relations of Academic and Technical Instruction, Nathaniel Southgate Shaler.

Robinson Watson; The National Game (illustrated), Norton B. Young; Jane's Holiday (illustrated), Valerie Hays Berry; The Lady of the Lake (at the Fair), Julian Hawthorne; A Philadelphia Sculptor (illustrated), E. Leslie Gilliams; Supermundane Fiction, W. H. Babcock; Men of the Day, M. Crofton.

The Century.

Scribner's. The House on the Hill-Top, a Tale of Modern Etruria (illustrated), Grace Ellery Channing; The Newspaper Correspondent (illustrated), Julian Ralph: A Sin-Offering. W. G. Van Tassel Sutphin; Beneath the Mask, Howard Pyle; Tiemann's to Tubby Hook (illustrated), H. C. Bunner; Types and People at the Fair (illustrated), J. A. Mitchell; The Copperhead. Chapters III.-V., Harold Frederic; Her Dying Words, Thomas Bailey Aldrich; The Flight of Bet sey Lane (illustrated), Sarah Orne Jewett; The Opin ions of a Philosopher, Chapters VI.-VI 1 1. (illustrated1. Robert Grant; The Wedding Journey of Mrs. Zaintree (Born Greenleaf), William Henry Shelton.

Fez, the Mecca of the Moors (illustrated). Stephen Bonsai; Phillips Brooks's Letters to Children, with notes on his home life (frontispiece portrait), Phillips Brooks; The Prince and Princess Achille Murat in Florida (portrait of Louis Napoleon), Matilda L. McConnell; Cup Defenders Old and New (illus trated), W. P. Stephens; The White Islander. Part III., Mary Hartwell Catherwood; Balcony Stories, One of Us, The Little Convent Girl (illustrated), Grace King; Breathing Movements as a Cure, Thomas J. Mays; Farmer Eli's Vacation, Alice Brown; The Famine in Eastern Russia, Relief Work of the Younger Tolstoy (illustrated), Jonas Stadling; An Artist's Letters from Japan, Yokohama, Kamakura, John La Farge; Contemporary Japanese Art (illustrated), Ernest Francisco Fenollosa; A Swed ish Etcher (Anders Zorn; illustrated), Mrs. Schuyler van Rensselaer; Mr. Jones's Experiment (illustrated), James Sager Norton; The Poet, Frank Dempster Sherman; The Philosophers' Camp, W. J. Stillman; A Sister of Saints, Marion Libby; Benefits Forgot. IX., Wolcott Balestier; At Niagara, Richard Watson Gilder; The Redemptioner, Edward Eggleston; August, John Vance Cheney.' Harper's. The Cock Lane Ghost (a story; illustrated), How ard Pyle; Greenwich Village (illustrated), Thomas A. Janvier; The Handsome Humes, a novel. Part III., William Black; His Bad Angel, a story, Rich ard Harding Davis; The Dead Lover, a Roumanian Folk-song, R. H. Stoddard; Italian Gardens, Part II. (illustrated), Charles A. Platt; Riders of Tunis (illustrated), Colonel T. A. Dodge, U. S. A.; Horace Chase, a novel, Part VI IL, Constance Fenimore Woolson; Bride Roses, Scene (illustrated), William D. Howells; A Queer Little Family on the Bitter sweet (illustrated), William Hamilton Gibson; A Cast of the Net. a story (illustrated), Herbert D. Ward; Black Water and Shallows (illustrated), Frederic Remington; A Landscape by Constable, a story (illustrated), F. Mary Wilson; At the Her mitage, a story, E. Levi Brown; A Lament for the Birds, Susan Fenimore Cooper. Lippincott's "In the Midst of Alarms," Robert Barr; Zachary Taylor, his Home and Family (illustrated), Annah


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