Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 05.pdf/490

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Trial and Condemnation of Jesus as a Legal Question. 453 nothing. Why askest thou me? Ask them the mind of Pilate was that he had had no which heard me what I have said unto them. trial, as Pilate replied, "Take ye him, and Behold, they knovv what I said." But this judge him according to your law." The was held sufficient for the court, which imme Jews said, " It is not lawful for us to put any diately pronounced him guilty, although the man to death." Then Pilate entered into the law was not so satisfied unless two witnesses Judgment Hall, and called Jesus, and said testified to guilt. They also violated another unto him, "Art thou the King of the law when he was removed, and continued to Jews? " It is evident that John has here violate it in every step of the proceedings omitted the charge which the Jews finally before Pilate. When a prisoner was led away made against Jesus when questioned by Pi for execution, if any one asserted his inno late. This is supplied by Luke, who says, cence, he was to be brought back and the " And they began to accuse him, saying, evidence heard. When Jesus was led away We found this fellow perverting the nation, to Pilate, Judas had said, with the bribe of and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, say the Jews, in his hand, " I have sinned in that ing that he himself, is Christ, a king." I have betrayed innocent blood." The an Thus are the overt acts of the priests com swer was, " What is that to us? See thou mitted in pursuance of the original conspi to that." After consulting how they might racy to put Jesus to death. For here we find put Jesus to death, he was finally led away them charging Christ not with blasphemy, to Pilate and delivered unto him bound. but with treason, in that he advised the There is a somewhat erroneous impression people not to pay tribute to Caesar, and in regard to the proceedings before Pilate, claiming to be Christ, a king. This was and the great painting of Christ Before done evidently in order to escape the respon Pilate by Munkacsy deepens the impression. sibility for his death, and throw it upon Pilate. Those who have been fortunate enough to The first charge was a falsehood pure and see it, will recollect that Pilate is represented simple. They had employed those meanest of as seated upon a throne in the Judgment all instruments, spies and informers, in order Hall; a Jew in the garments of a High to find against him something that was an Priest is declaiming before him, while others offence against the Roman Laws, in order of the Chief Priests are seated on the steps that he might be arrested by them; but it leading to the throne, and still others are had failed, for when the informers came with standing on either side; while Jesus is re a lying statement, " Master, we know that presented as standing clothed in white, sur thou sayest and teachest rightly. Neither rounded by a multitude, who, with upraised acceptes! thou the person of any, but teachest hands and gestures, indicate a clamoring the way of God truly : Is it lawful for us mob within the hall. But the fact is that to give tribute unto Caesar, or not? " He the Jews went not into the hall, as related asked for a penny, and when they said it was by John, lest they should be defiled, and thus Caesar's image and superscription, he had be precluded from eating the Passover; so said, " Render therefore unto Caesar t he things they remained upon the outside, and Pilate which be Caesar's, and unto God the things went out to them and said, " What accusa which be God's." Instead of thus commit tion bring ye against this man? " Notice ting any offence, he had counselled submis the significant and evasive reply : " If he sion to the laws of Rome. The second state were not a malefactor, we would not have ment was equally untrue, for the Jews knew delivered him unto thee." No suggestion is that Jesus never claimed temporal power, made that Jesus had been tried, convicted, but spiritual power alone; and it was for this and sentenced to death for the crime of they desired his life. They thus falsified with blasphemy. Indeed, the impression left upon respect to both charges.