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By Irving Browne.

Л|ЛНЕ Editor of the " Green Baд" has invited us silver. It will serve to advertise the State, the artist. -I to take charge of a new department of his and the model. The silver one can understand; but why Justice? Is it because it is so prevalent or so magazine, in an attempt to combine " business with scarce in Montana? We should imagine the latter. pleasure," and join the useful and the entertaining. He has been kind enough to give us leave to ride our and it would seem more appropriate to send a silver hobbies with a free lance. It is to be hoped that the image of that " Tree," a copy of which appeared in the last number of this periodical. The readers of this periodical will not pronounce the un dertaking Quixotic. In this department they may project has served to stir up a good deal of animosity confidently look for honest opinion and criticism on among actresses who possess fine figures andare not current matters of direct or indirect interest to our averse to displaying them. We are glad Miss Relian profession, and for an array of any peculiar, novel, or has been selected as the model, for if the choice had striking judicial decisions of the month. They will fallen upon some one of many other actresses we bear in mind that we shall not take ourselves too should have feared that the statue would have been too suggestive of free silver. But we are amazed to seriously in this department. It is to be an Easy learn that the shy and shrinking Lillian Russell, who Chair for the Lawyer; not a seat at a lecture, a bar went to law rather than keep her contract to appear ber's, or a dentist's; not a. pew in a church; not re quiring an attitude of painful attention on the one in " tights," is actually envious of Miss Relian, be hand, nor so soothing as to invite slumber on the cause the latter's figure has been preferred to hers. other; intended to keep the reader in a state of pleas Miss Lillian intimates that it was the figures of her ant alertness rather than combative strain or dreamy check that prevailed; and yet it does not seem that a s'oth; a revolving chair, whence we shall view the woman said to be five feet six inches tall, and whose lighter legal topics of the world, from New York to waist measures only seventeen inches, can be deemed India, from Australia to England; keep an eye on the to have a good figure for Justice : it is too light-waisted. bench to see that it does not overawe or oppress the But all this belongs to art and physiology, and not to bar, and an eye on the bar to see that it does not law, except the subject of the statue. It may be per insult or decry the bench; recommend advances and mitted to us, however, to suggest materials for statues reforms, and deprecate standing still or backsliding. for other States which may wish to follow the ex II" the principal Editor shall now and then turnover ample of Montana. Maine's statue should be of ice. to us a book for review, we shall strive to temper the New Hampshire's of granite, Vermont's of maplewind of criticism, and say a good word for any author sugar: New Jersey's should be a mosquito of heroic who has a good word to say to the profession, and i size; Pennsylvania should send one of coal; Texas preserve the profession from the oppression of men I should put in a steer; Louisiana a Fortune at her wheel, of mere scissors and paste-pot. In short, we pro with the bandage slightly off one eye : a mule would pose to afford herein just the one oasis in the legal answer for several Southern States in which that desert where the weary traveller may rest and refresh useful animal is much in litigation; Delaware should himself and not be bored. As we wrote for the first contribute a sheriff wielding a whip. Maryland a ter number of the "Albany Law Journal," so we wrote for rapin-catcher, Ohio an office-seeker. Kansas an the first number of the " Green Bag;" and so long Eolus; Arkansas a tramp with stick and pack, to as we are suffered to write for either, we hope it may typify lier immortal " traveller; " Utah should offer be said that we have written honestly, amusingly, and Lot's wife; Kentucky a figure of Louis XIV., the profitably. greatest of the Bourbons : Nebraska a ghost, if a ghost can be figured; King Cotton would do for sev eral Southern States; Michigan's offering must cer CURRENT TOPICS tainly be of wood. Illinois' should be of brass; New York should send a tiger; Minerva with spectacles A SILVER JUSTICE. — It is probably for advertis would answer well for Massachusetts; Connecticut ing purposes chiefly that Montana is going to send might fitly bestow a colossal wooden nutmeg, Coloto the Columbian Exposition a statue of Justice in