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The Green Bag.

The late Ottowell Wood, one of the leading characters of New England, was once summoned as a witness in court. When he was called and sworn, the judge, not catching his name, asked him to spell it, whereupon Mr. Wood began : "O, double t, o, double u, e, double 1, double u, double o, d." The judge was too thick-witted to grasp the meaning of this string of words and letters, and, throwing down his pen in despair, exclaimed : " Most extraordinary name I ever heard; will you write it for me, Mr.— Mr.— Mr. Witness?" A SINGULAR case was tried at the last term of Wake County (N.C.) Superior Court. A little country bull standing on a railroad track instead of vacating on the approach of a train, answered the whistle with a bellow of defiance and throwing some dirt over his shoulder. A tramp who hap pened to be on the track a few feet beyond stepped a little off the track and watched to see the fun. The engine struck the little bull fair and doubled him up like a ball. It threw him about twenty-five feet like a catapult and making a line shot knocked the tramp into a pond of mud and water. When the engineer backed his train to take an inventory of damage done, the tramp was crawling out upon a log. Action was brought against the railroad for personal injuries and indignities. To the sur prise and disgust of the plaintiff the jury found a verdict for the defendant. To a sympathizing bystander, the plaintiff placidly remarked that he had been " knocked into a mudhole by the bull, and kicked out of the court-house by twelve jackasses." A surr was recently brought in an Indiana court based upon the following : — Article of Agreement. in and Between Samuel crawford of the first Part and John Crawford of the Second Part Witnesses that on this day november 9" A. D. 18S6 that John crawford of the Second part agrees to take keep and furnish with Hoard does and in case of sickness a famely physisian for the nessissary medical ade so long as the god of natur and the Kuler of all man kind may prolong the lives of Samuel crawford and his wife Isabell crawford take care in health sickness and after death give Each Samuel crawford and his Wife isabell crawford a Decent and Respectable

Buryal case and persons above named crawford and Wife a Respectable Shroud or suit of close as may Be Requested at time of death and funiral of above named Samuel crawford and his Wife isabell craw ford in compensation thereoff Wherefore the said John crawford and his Wife amanday crawford their heirs executors and administrators Shall Becom the lawfull owners of the following Real Estate to Witnamely Being the North West quarter of the South West quarter of section number twenty six (26) in mark township defiance county ohio also the West half (1/2) of the West half (1/2) of the north West quarter (1/4) of section number thirty five in afore said mark township and county of Defiance and state of ohio nevertheless samuel crawford shall Be the lawfull owner of aforesaid tracts of land untill afore said death calls away the aforesaid now it is further asertained in case of the death of Samuel crawford afore his said wife isabell crawford and in case of the said isabell crawford should Remary that she shall only Enherit her part of Board and living with does and medical ade as aforesaid and stated only as the Wife of Samuel crawford now if the afore said John crawford his Wife amanday crawford their executors administrators Shall Well and truley fathfuly and with parentel Respect fuley discharge their duties as afore requested then this article of agreement to be in full force and virtue in law and the corts of jurisdiction Shall have power to convey a general Warentee deed of the aforesaid primisis mentioned to the aforesaid John crawford his Wife amandy crawford their heirs executors or administrators in Witness Whereof we have this day set our hands and seals this 9" day of November A.D 1886 in presence of us G. H. Long Samuel Crawford (Seal) C. S. Elder John Crawford (Seal) Signed Sealed and in my presence this 9" day of November A.D 1886 G. H. Long Notary Public (Seal)

A certain lawyer in Lincoln County was a can didate before the people for a seat in the Georgia Legislature. When asked by Judge Dooly as to his prospects in the coming election, he replied that he had serious fears of his defeat, as the people in that county had a strong prejudice against voting for a lawyer. "Oh," replied the Judge, "if that is all, I will help you out, for you can get a certificate from me at any time to the effect that you are no lawyer."