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The Green Bag.

A Jolly Good Summer. . By Mary P. Wells Smith. Roberts' Brothers, Boston, 1895. Cloth. $1.25. This story will be welcomed by the young people, especially by those who have read " Jolly Good Times To-day." Amy Strong and her little friends continue 'their interesting and amusing doings, and have about as ".jolly" times as can be imagined. It is an ex cellent book for Christmas gift to either boys or girls.

Goostie. By M. Carrie Hyde. Roberts Brothers, Boston, 1895. 50 cts. A touching story of a hoy's love for his baby brother. Too poor to provide for him, he leaves the little one at the door of a rich family by whom he is taken in and cared for. The two brothers meet con stantly during the ensuing years, but the older does not divulge his relationship until he has won a name and fame for himself. The story is charmingly writ ten and will delight both old and young.

The Nimble Dollar, with other stories. By Charles Miner Thompson. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston and New York, 1895. Cloth. This is a capital book for boys. Every one of the stories is brimful of fun, and each is so good that it is hard telling which is the best. The boy must be hard to please who will not find a feast of real enjoy ment in every page of this volume.

This Goodly Frame, the Earth. By Francis Tiffany. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Boston and New York, 1895. Cloth. $1.50. This interesting work is something more than the ordinary book of travel. The author does not con tent himself with a mere description of the daily pro gram of the traveler, but gives the reader his impressions of scenes, incidents and persons in a journey which included Japan, China, India, Egypt, Palestine and Greece. The book is fascinatingly written and will delight all who are fortunate enough to read it.

Municipal Government in Continental Europe. By Albert Shaw. The Century Co., New York, 1895. Cloth. $2.00. The present general interest in the subject of municipal reform in this country has led to the study of methods of administration that obtain in the cities of the Old World. Many of the problems that con front American law-makers have been met and mas tered in European cities, and it is recognized that many valuable lessons can be drawn from the ex periences of Glasgow, Paris, Berlin, and other pro gressive municipalities. Dr. Albert Shaw:s study of "Municipal Government in Great Britain " is already passing into its third edition, and now it is supple mented by the present volume, which carries the inquiry to the leading Continental cities. Dr. Shaw gives the foremost place in his book to Paris, " the typical modern city," believing that a knowledge of its affairs is essential to an intelligent survey of municipal progress on the Continent. " Whether one goes to the Low Countries and Scandinavia, to Switzerland and Italy, or to Germany and AustriaM'lngary," says Dr. Shaw, " he finds evidences on all hands of the abounding influence that the modern Paris has exerted upon the outward forms of European cities." While the author has explained carefully and at length the structure and working of the municipal machinery of the cities he has chosen, he has made it no less essentially a part of his task to describe the transformation of street-systems, and the measures by which death-rates have been reduced . The appendices of the volume give the budgets of Paris and Berlin, and the French Municipal Code. An exhaustive index adds to the usefulness of the work.

Standish of Standish, a Story of the Pilgrims. By Jane Goodwin Austin; with photogravure illus trations from designs by Frank T. Merrill. Two volumes. Cloth. Houghton, Mifflin & Co.. Boston and New York, 1895. This charming story of the Pilgrim Colony and its hero, Myles Standish, derives an added interest from the beautiful holiday attire in which it now appears. Everything which the printer's and engraver's art can accomplish has been employed to make it attractive. The binding is exquisitely dainty and the illustrations are artistic gems.

BOOKS RECEIVED. Introduction to American Law. By Timothy Walker, LL.D. Little, Brown and Co., Boston. Negligence of Imposed Duties, Carriers of Freight. By Charles A. Ray, LL.D. Law yer's Co-operative Publishing Co., Rochester, N.Y. A Treatise on the Law of Former Adjudica tion. By John M. Van Fleet. Two vols. The Bowen-Merrill Co., Indianapolis. A Treatise on the Law of Real Property. By James M. Kerr. Three vols. Banks and Bros., New York and Albany.