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The Green Bag.

in Wisconsin. He continued in practice, ORSAMUS COLE was born in Cazenovia, and while engaged in the trial of a cause, in Madison County, New York, August 13, 1 86 1, he was taken suddenly ill and died 1819. His ancestors were English of early within a week, on the 28th of February, 1861. immigration before the French war, and He was an able and gifted man, highly settled in Rhode Island. The great-grand esteemed in his time, evincing always the father was a Tory and he disinherited his son, the grandfather of Judge Cole, because high spirit, courtesy, dignity and hospital ity of the higher classes of his nationality. he took sides with the Colonies and served His written opinions show a cultivated and in the Colonial army. The grandfather on

the maternal side, trained mind. He Samuel Salisbury, was absent from his held a commission in family while sitting the Continental army. on the bench, but he He fought at Benwrote daily to his wife nington, and was with the most charming of letters, showing the Washington in the homesickness of a terrible experiences heart that loved best in Nesv Jersey during of all to be with the the winter of 1777. wife and children. He was at the sur In the evening, or render of Burgoyne during trial, or on the and Cornwallis, and bench, or while wait was honorably dis ing for a train, he charged at the close snatched a moment of the war. to write to his wife, The subject of this sending " a thousand sketch was " brought kisses to be divided up on a farm." He pro rata," or on her attended common birthday penning schools at Washing sweet love-verses to ton ville, Os w ego his mate. He hopes County, New York, ORSAMUS COLE. she will have success fitted for college at in making the pre the Clinton County serves, and wishes he were there so that he Liberal Institute, New York, and at the could " stick in a finger and go off licking it," Black River Academy in Jefferson Coun and tells how he has attended parties and ty. He graduated from Union College in danced with other ladies " only as her proxy." 1843. He then studied law with Curtis He is fidgety and anxious if he does not get & Boomer, at Belleville, Jefferson County, his letter from home every day, and quite in and was admitted to the bar in 1845, coming the dumps when any ailment of a child is re the same year to Chicago. Not finding that ported. With small allowance for the con a promising place, he came in the autumn vivial frailties that were too common in his of 1845 to Potosi, a rough mining town in time and in that region, he was an ornament Southwest Wisconsin, on the Mississippi, a to the bench and bar during his period of few miles above Dubuque, and in the heart activity, and his untimely death was mourned of the lead region. The town was better throughout the State. known to the miners as " Snake Hollow," as