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Some Kentucky Lawyers of the Past and Present.


again appointed chief justice, but resigned has come to town." Hearing it on all to return to the senate. His great-grand sides, he went home, when his daughter daughter described to me his departures called to him, before he was off his horse, for Washington. He always started on the " Pa, Mr. Wolfe has arrived in a barouche first of November. The whole family would drawn by four horses and filled with law assemble on the front porch to see him books." He hurried into the house and mount his horse, with a negro servant on sat down to dinner, to his favorite dish another horse, leading a third in case of of bacon and snap beans, when his wife accident. They would all weep bitterly as began: "Mr. Hardin, Mr. Wolfe has come he rodeoft", knowing it to town." He pushed would be two months his plate away, for his before there could be appetite was all gone, any tidings of him. and exclaimed: Notwithstanding "My God! Betsy, these difficulties, he can't a man eat his was a bitter opponent dinner in peace even o'f a bill in Congress if Wolfe has come to to construct a nation town?" al road through the James Guthrie was country, and was a great lawyer. He burned in effigy at was a very firm man. Zanesvillc, Ohio, dur The following story ing the rejoicings over was told by General the passage of the Gushing: A claim bill. He was ap had been presented pointed secretary of on the treasury, and the treasury and went Mr. Guthrie had re to Washington to live. jected it. Some time It is a notable fact after this, the presi that four of the ablest dent, having sent to secretaries of the the treasury for the treasury, since Alex papers, brought the ander Hamilton, subject up in a cabi Bibb, Guthrie, Brisnet meeting. The dif tow and Carlisle, were Kentuckians. In the ferent members of the cabinet expressed their views, but Mr. Guthrie remained silent. latter years of Judge Bibb's life, he was al lowed to make his arguments before the At length the president said : " Mr. Guthrie, Supreme Court seated, in deference to his this is a claim against your department, we should like to hear your opinion on it." Mr. age and distinction as a lawyer. A legal Goliath was Nat Wolfe, the great Guthrie immediately rose and said : " Gen criminal lawyer of Kentucky. When Mr. tlemen, this case has been decided by the Wolfe went to Elizabethtown to engage in treasury. Good morning," and he walked the Wickliffe murder trial, Ben Hardin, who out. was opposed to him, gave a very laughable Judge S. S. Nicholas succeeded Judge account of the sensation he created. He Bibb as chancellor of the Louisville chan said when he went to the barber shop to be cery court. James Speed said : " He was shaved, the barber announced : " Mr. Wolfe the most courteous, polite and patient judge
