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Some Kentucky Lawyers of the Past and Present.


fourteen years after the war, he numbered popular in Louisville than George M. among his warmest friends some ex-Con Davie." He has earned a well-merited repu federates. tation, not only in the Kentucky courts but Judge Ballard was pre-eminently the friend in the Supreme Court of the United States. of young men. It was said that, however' he He led the Kentucky Democrats to victory might trip or entangle an old lawyer, he for sound money in the late election. was ever ready to give a helping hand to Augustus Everett Willson is a lawyer of the young. Several years before his death high professional character. He graduated he formed, for his own pleasure, a class of at Harvard in the class of '69. In 1874 he young lawyers, chos became the law part en because he believ ner of John M. Har ían, now an associate ed they were unusu ally bright. This was justice of the Su over twenty years preme Court. No ago, and to-day five of man in Kentucky has them occupy prom worked harder for the inent and conspicu Republican party, ous p.laces at the and it was greatly due Louisville bar and to his efforts that the sixth died a few Kentucky became a months ago, hon debatable State. A Democratic paper ored and mourned throughout the State. lately said: "Mr. They were W. O. Willson is a man of Harris, St. John high character and Boyle, Alexander P. superb oratory. He Humphrey, George is one of the few M.Davie, A. E.WillKentucky Republi son and Rozel Weiscans now in politics singer. who has been for years a recognized It was Judge Balparty-leader." lard's opinion, I am A. E. WILLSON. told, that W.O. Har St. John Boyle is ris had the finest mind a grandson of Judge of the six. Since then he has been judge of John Boyle, who was six years a member of the law and equity court and is dean of Congress and sixteen years chief justice of the faculty of the Louisville Law School. Kentucky, and has inherited many of his A man of spotless integrity and great force ancestor's rare gifts. Col. Johnston says : of character, he is the professional peer of " As a corporation lawyer, in the highest sense, Mr. Boyle stands in the very front any lawyer at the Louisville bar. Alexander P. Humphrey is the senior rank." Rozel Weissinger was a man of high ideas member of Louisville's leading law firm, Humphrey and Davie, and one of the best and great ability. He lost his life fighting lawyers in the country. I am told he might the great fight of sound money in the Ken hold high political office, but he is wedded tucky Senate last spring, staying on guard to his profession. at the Capitol when he was very ill. It was It is said : " No man has ever been more truly said of him: "Kentucky owes no