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Index to Volume XI.


Chancery Courts, The, see " Personal Recol lections of English Law Courts." Chief Justice Trott and the Carolina Pirates, 516 Chinese Censors 257 Choice Anecdotes of Irish Bench and Bar . 160 Circumstantial Evidence, A Story of, See "The Long Arm of Coincidence." Citizenship in Ceded Territory .... 203 Civilization, The Vandalism of, — " The New Inn" 338 Claim to a Peerage, The Story of a, See "Leaves from an English Solicitor's Note-Book." Client to His Lawyer, A (verse) .... 163 Coincidence, The Long Arm of ... . 398 Colonial Bar, Glances at Our (illustrated) 220,262 Coming Cause Celebre, A 255 Common Law, The Courts of, in the Sixties, See " Personal Recollections of Eng lish Law Courts." Companies in France, Foreign . . . . 520 Confederate Soldier, Was the, a Rebel? . 545 Confute, An Answer That Does Not . . 259 Constitution or Theory — Which? . ... 152 Constitutional Rights of Policy-Holders, The 571 Contempt, A Glance at Legislative . . . 226 Controversy, The Old Court — New Court, 177 Court, A Quaint 477 Courts of Common Law in the Sixties, The, See " Personal Recollections of Eng lish Law Courts." Courts of Final Appeal — Mississippi (illus trated) 503 Courts, Personal Recollections of English Law 277,318 Courts, Reform of the English Ecclesiastical, 187 Cross-Examination 81 Curious Decisions, Some 230 Current Events, 46, 94, 146, 195, 242, 289, 347. 39«, 439. 483, 535. 601 Current Topics 41, 89, 141 Customs, Quaint Old, Which Will Not Die, 53 Death Penalty in Olden Times, The, (illus trated) Debt, Old Laws Concerning Decisions, Some Curious Defence, A Modest, of Suicide .... Demolition of Newgate, The (illustrated),

15 445 230 39 T13

Dreyfus Case, The Revision of the ... Ducking Stools, A Few Notes on (illus trated)

9 19

Ecclesiastical Courts, Reform of the English, 187 Editorial Department, 45, 93, 145, 193, 241, 287, 345. 389. 437. 481, 533, 599 Election, A Three-Cornered 385 England, New Inebriates Legislation in . 382 English Ecclesiastical Courts, Reform of the, 187 English Law Courts, Personal Recollec tions of 277, 318 English Parliament, Lawyers in the . . . 131 English Solicitor's Note- Book, Leaves from an 449, 496. 581 English Treatment of Political Prisoners . 379 Events, Current, 46, 94, 146, 195, 242, 289, 347. 390. 439, 483, 535. 6o' Evidence, A Story of Circumstantial, See "The Long Arm of Coincidence" Ewing, Ephraim B. (with portrait) . . . 441 Examiner, The Medical Expert and the Legal 356 Exchequer, The Barons of the . . . . 340 Expert, The Medieal, and the Legal Exam iner 356 Facetiae,

45, 93, 145, 193, 241, 287, 345, 389. 437, 481, 533, 599 Fashions in the Law 487 Fate of the Will, The (verse) 378 Few Notes on Ducking Stools, A(illustrated), 19 Field, The late Mr. Justice (with portrait), 245 Firm, A Noted Law (illustrated) . . . 460 First Ten Secretaries of State, The (illus trated) 561 Foreign Companies in France . . . . 520 France, Foreign Companies in .... 520 French Lawyer, An Unfortunate .... 77 French Prisons, Old (illustrated) . . 365, 409 Germany, Legal Observations in (illus trated) Glance at Legislative Contempt, A . . . Glances at our Colonial Bar (illustrated)

67 226

220, 262

Golden Age of Law, The Good and Bad Law Reporting .... Government, The legislation and Local, of King Alfred

557 105 596