Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 11.pdf/151

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The Green Bag.


Bay be ascertained. Nantucket, mindful of a past experience with a foreign colony of which he would forbear to speak, had peti tioned to be included within these bounds, their Majesties graciously had received their request, the General Court had conf1rmed the royal decision, and Nantucket was now to hear the answer to her appeal. Then with great dignity James Coffin un folded the document and read : — Anno Regni Gulielmi Reginae, Quinto.


Marise, Regis et

Act passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, in New England, begun and held at Boston the 31st day of May, 1693. Whereas, their most gracious Majesties, our Sovereign Lord and Lady, King William and

Queen Mary, in and by their royal Charter and letters Patent, bearing date at Westminster, the 7th day of October in the third year of their sd Majesties Reign : for the uniting, erecting, and incorporating of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, the Colony of New Plymouth, the Province of Main, the Territory called Accada, or Nova Scotia, and all that tract of Land Lying between the sd territories of Nova Scotia and the sd Pro vince of Main, into one Real Province, by the name of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, in New England; have therein particularly named, comprehended and included the islands of Capawok and Nantucket as part of the sd Province of Massachusetts Bay and annexed the same thereto. It is, therefore, declared and enacted by the Governor, Council and Representatives, Convened in General Assembly, and by the Authority of the Same.