Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 11.pdf/422

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Editorial Department.

In the Amer1can Monthly Rev1ew of Rev1ews for July the editor reviews the work of our delegation at The Hague up to date, presenting the latest phases of the arbitration question, with some consideration of its bearings on the present international situation. Among other topics discussed in "The Progress of the World " this month are " Tariff Trusts " as a polit ical issue, the Dreyfus vindication, the war in the Philippines, the recent change in the civil-service rules, and the newly-elected college presidents. "Rosa Bonheur and Her Work " is the subject of an article by Ernest Knaufft. Pierre de Coubertin writes on "Modern History and Historians in France," and Mr. George Wharton James relates "A Pilgrimage to Some Scenes of Spanish Occupancy in Our South west." Professor W1ll1am Cunn1ngham, of Cambridge, England, opens the July Atlant1c with a valuable paper on English Imperialism, in which he shows the gradual development of English policy from the Na tionalism of a hundred years ago to the Cosmopoli tanism of the present day. Horace Howard Furness contributes a study of Much Ado about Nothing, in advance of its appearance in his forthcoming edition of the play; Charles Johnston discusses " The True American Spirit in Literature," and Mark H. Liddell treats of the " Right Approach to English Literature "; Leon H. Vincent•s "Virtuoso of the Old School "is a lively and entertaining sketch of one of the literary and social lions of the early part of the century; Will Payne, Francis Lynde, and Elizabeth Washburn contribute lively stories and sketches, and Agnes Repplier adds a lifelike picture of Revolutionary times, taken from the contemporary diary of a Phila delphia Quaker lady. Scr1bner's Magaz1ne for July has as a frontis piece a fine wood engraving by Gustav Kruell. It is from a very rare daguerreotype of Daniel Webster, and accompanies Senator Hoar's paper on Webster, for which he has been collecting material for many years. Russell Sturgis, who stands in close sympathy with Mr. La Farge, has written the leading article in the number, in which he fully defines La Farge's place in art, and his method. There is also a very practical article which describes how the foreign mails are handled in New York. The fiction in cludes a pathetic but not unhappy story of a girl who is threatened with blindness, entitled " The White Blackbird," by Bliss Perry; another of "Aunt Minervy Ann's" amusing chronicles, by Joel Chand ler Harris; a character study of old age, by Mrs. Robert Louis Stevenson; and a fascinating instal ment of " Q's " serial, " The Ship of Stars," in which Taffy is apprenticed to a blacksmith.


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Messrs. L1ttle, Brown & Co. have just issued a second edition of Captain Mahan's Life of Nelson . ' In the revision of his original work the author devotes considerable additional space and has incorporated new, interesting material upon the disputed estimate of Nelson's affection for his wife. Other minor details have been corrected and amplified. The author's previous estimate of Nelson's character is not, how ever, modified or affected by these changes. The work is one of exceeding interest, and a most valu able addition to biographical literature. The illus trations include portraits of Nelson, Admiral Hood Admiral Jervis, Lady Nelson, Lady Hamilton, Ad miral Collingwood, etc. State Trials, Politieal and Soeial selected and edited by H. E. Stephen of the Inner Temple, is the title of a two-volume work to be published by The Macmillan Company at an early date. The editor has tried to bring the atmosphere of the Crown court into the study and to enable us, as it were, to take contemporary interest in the men and women long since dead on the block or the gallows. What the trials in these cases tell us, as nothing else can, is what were the popular beliefs as to witchcraft shared by such a man as Hale; how revolutions were planned, while such things were still an important faction in practical politics; and what was the state of the second city in the United Kingdom when a man could be kidnapped in its busiest streets by a gang of sailors and privateersmen. The same firm will also publish Professor George H. Carpenter's Inseets, their Strueture and Life. A Primer of Entomology. The work is designed as a small, inexpensive text-book, sketching in outline the whole subject of entomology. It is profusely illustrated with about two hundred drawings and con tains an exhaustive bibliography of authorities likely to be of special use to the student. Messrs. Longmans, Green & Co., New York, have just issued the first volume of the " American Citizen Series." a series which is intended to serve as handbooks on the subjects treated, giving a sys tematic outline in which general divisions and rela tions shall be made clear, problems shall be studied and the criteria for solving them pointed out. The initial volume contains an Outline of Praetieal Soeiology'by Carroll D. Wright. As United States com1 The L1fe of Nelson. The Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain. Seeond Edition, revised, By Capt A. T. Mahan, D.C.L., LL.D United States Navy. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 1S99. Cloth. 3 Outl1ne of Pract1cal Soc1ology. With Special Reference to American Conditions. By Carroll D. Wright, LL.D. M. Longmans, Green & Co., New York, 1S99. Cloth. $2.00.