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The Green Bag.



Communications in regard to the contents of the Magazine should be addressed to the Editor, THOS. TILESTON BALDWIN, 1038 Exchange Building, Boston, Mass. The Editor -will be glad to receive contributions of THE following portraits of Chief Justice articles of moderate length upon subjects of in Marshall have appeared in THE GREEN BAG : terest to the profession; also anything in the Saint-Mémin; in color; profile head; original way of legal antiquities or curiosities, facetiœ, owned by Thos. Marshall Smith, Esq. Vol. 13, anecdotes, etc.

THE frontispiece this month is interesting in p. 157, April, 1901. Saint-Mémin; from a miniature of the origi that it presents Chief Justice Marshall in an aspect distinctly different from that in which he nal. Vol. 8, p. 481, Dec., 1896; vol. 13, p. 55, appears in his other portraits. The picture has Feb., 1901. Jarvis; head; original owned by Mr. Justice a decided individuality, and we find it easy to believe that the artist successfully caught and Horace Gray. Vol. 13, p. 53, Feb., 1901. Inman; half-length, seated; original owned preserved the genial yet dignified expression of his sitter's face. The original of this portrait, by Philadelphia Law Association. Vol. 8, p. 479, as well as of the one reproduced on page 231, Dec., 1896; vol. 13, p. 61, Feb., 1901. Also belongs to Washington and Lee University, at from an engraving of the original, Vol. 7, p. 32, Lexington, Virginia, and both are by unknown Jan., 1895; vol. 13, p. 63, Feb., 1901. Harding; full length; original owned by Bos artists. For their use we are indebted to the courtesy of Professor James B. Thayer, of the ton Athenaeum : replica in Harvard Law School. Harvard Law School. The portrait by Rem Vol. 3, p. 541, Dec., 1891; vol. 13, p. 57, Feb., brandt Peale, reproduced on page 247, belongs to 1901. Peale; head; original owned by Long Island the Long Island Historical Society, of Brooklyn, N. Y. The Frazee bust, on page 261, is the Historical Society, Brooklyn, N. Y. Vol. 13, p. property of the Boston Athenaeum, to which it 247, May, 1901. Unknown artist; half-length; original owned was given by Col. Thomas H. Perkins in 1835. by Washington and Lee University, Lexington, WE venture the inquiry whether it would be Va. Vol. 13, p. 213, May, 1901. Unknown artist; head; original owned by possible for the American Bar Association to publish, in a suitable volume, the Marshall Day Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Va., Vol. 13. p. 231, May, 1901. addresses, in full. Unknown artist; head. Vol. 8, p. 482, Dec., Indeed it is by no means certain that such a publication, which would appeal to the legal 1896; vol. 13, p. 59, Feb., 1901. Frazee; original marble bust owned by profession in all parts of the country, would not find subscribers enough to meet the cost of Boston Athenœum. Vol. 13, p. 261, May, printing. There could be no more fitting tribute 1901. Story; statue, seated; in front of the Capitol, to the memory of the Chief Justice than such a volume. If, however, the undertaking be not Washington, D. C. Vol. 13, p. 177, April, possible, it is at least a matter of congratulation 1901. Silhouette; full length, standing; original that so many of these addresses have been printed in separate pamphlets, or, as in the case owned by Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, of the addresses at Boston and Cambridge, are Va. Vol. 13, p. 181, April, 1901. Silhouette; full length, seated. Vol. 13, to be brought out together in book-form. And as one of the happiest results of the recent Mar p. 16, April, 1901. shall celebration we may count the forthcoming volume, now in the press, by Professor Thayer, THE present-day lawyer, struggling to main which may prove to be what has been looked tain a bowing acquaintance with the decisions, for long in vain — an adequate Life of Marshall. at least of his own State and of the United