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He inquired if the Surgeon-General Editorial Department. "Your domestic relations are in a bad way," 91

had come. The keeper replied : " No; but he is expected immediately." " Then I shall in spect some of the rooms till he arrives." " Oh, sir," said the man, " we could not permit that at all." " Well, then, I will walk awhile in the garden." " We cannot let you go there either," said the keeper. " What 1 " said he; " don't you know I am the Lord Chancellor? " " We have four more Chancellors here already," was the reply. He got enraged, and they were thinking of a strait waistcoat for him, when luckily Sir Philip Crampton arrived. " Has the Lord Chancellor come yet? " said he. The man burst out laughing, and said : " Yes, sir, we have him safe; but he is by far the most violent pa tient in the house." When Senator J. P. Dolliver's first child was born both houses of Congress adjourned, a re markable occurrence and one. of which the young miss will have occasion to boast all her life. That was a couple of years ago and the stork has been expected to visit the Dolliver home, at Fort Dodge, Iowa, for several weeks past. Senator Dolliver was extremely anxious for a son to perpetuate his work in making history in this country, and had planned a roseate future for Dolliver junior. Senator Dolliver's boon friend in his home town is Tom Healy, a State sepator and Iowa politican of considerable influence and reputa tion. Senator Healy is given to "jollying" the junior senator from Iowa, and teased him by declaring his faith in the belief that the second child would be another girl. Recently a second child was born to Senator and Mrs. Dolliver at their home in Fort Dodge. The day before the event the senator was so certain the new comer would be a son, and Senator Healy was so strong in his opposition that a wager was made, a supper being at stake on the sex of the new comer. If it proved to be a son, then Senator Healy was to feast Senator Dolliver; if a daughter, then vice versa. Senator Dolliver was serene, however. The new comer proved to be a girl. Senator Dolliver sent word to his friend : "It's on me, come over as planned. The boy is a girl."

said the judge to a respondent in a separate support case. "Oh, no," answered the respondent, "my do mestic relations are all right, it's my wife's rela tions that cause all my trouble." Court (to prosecutor): " Then you recognize this handkerchief as the one which was stolen?" Prosecutor : " Yes, your Honor." Court : " And yet it isn't the only handker chief of the sort in the world. See, this one I have in my pocket is exactly like it." Prosecutor : " Very likely, your Honor; there were two stolen." An investment in Vermillion County, Ill., land, made sixty-five years ago, by Noah Webster, of dictionary and spelling-book fame, came to light a few days ago by a sale made by W. H. Allen, the grandson of Noah Webster, to U. C. Hill of Henning, a small town near Danville, Ill. Allen, who lives in Farmington, Conn., disposed of his share in the land, eighty acres, for $87.50, per acre. Noah Webster, entered the land from the government, in 1836, getting 320 acres, lying two miles from Henning. He died in 1858, leaving four children, among whom the Vermil lion County estate was partitioned. A daughter got the eighty acres recently sold. She left the land to her son, W. B. Allen, who came to Dan ville, a few days ago to close the deal. The land is virgin soil; and lies covered with prairie grass, just as it did a hundred years ago. While land all around it has been brought to the highest state of cultivation, this land has never known the touch of a plow, and has, al though wholly unimproved, earned a large sum on the original investment of $1.25 per acre. The judgment of Solomon was nearly enacted by a civil justice in Georgia in ante-bellum days. Two parents claimed the same negro baby, and the evidence was so even that the puzzled judge suddenly thought of the wise king's expedient. He seized the baby, pulled out a bowie-knife from his belt, and proceeded to halve the child. But both claimants reached forward simultane ously, crying, "Boss, don't kill him. You may have him."