Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 14.pdf/421

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The Green Bag.

and the capital of Vancouver Island, Vic nation sent more soldiers and the war cloud toria, just outside Puget Sound. He was seemed dark and threatening. However, destined for the Hudson Bay Company by General Scott appeared on the scene and his master, one Griffith, who resided on the persuaded the Governor to agree to a with north part of the island. Mr. Hubbs lived drawal of all troops, save one company on on the other end of San Juan and raised each side. This was done, and for five vegetables and sheep. What nation owned years the Stars and Stripes flew over the the island none knew, for the boundary line j camp of the Americans on the Hubbs' end, ran through the middle of the channel, and, and the Union Jack waved equally proudly as might have been expected, there was a over the Griffith pig farm. The best of feel channel on either side of the island, — Ro- ing existed between the two camps, and sario Strait on one side and Canal de Haro courtesies were constantly interchanged. Time went by, yet neither nation thought on the other. The pigs of the Hudson Bay Company of abandoning her claim. At length it was ate the vegetables of Mr. Hubbs, and he thought well to call in the lawyers. Elab did not agree with this, and threatened orate briefs were prepared and the whole Griffith that he would kill the next porcine matter was referred to the Emperor of Ger marauder. The subject of this note soon many to decide which channel was meant came, ate and died at the hands of the angry in the original agreement. That illustrious Hubbs. Then was Griffith filled with wrath, sovereign had no time to consider the ques and hied him quickly to Victoria, and came tion himself, and so handed all the papers back with a constable bearing a warrant for over to Herr Grimm, the once President of the arrest of the pig-slayer. But Hubbs the Supreme Court of Germany, Judge claimed to be an American citizen, laughed Goldschmidt of the German Tribunal of to scorn the summons of her late Majesty, Commerce, and Dr. Kiepert, an expert in Queen Victoria, and refused to go with the geography. The American brief was the constable. The constable went home. best, and in October, 1872, the Emperor Hubbs hurried to Port Townsend (Wash gave his decision in favor of the American ington Territory), told his story to Briga contention, thus giving San Juan and the dier General Harney, who forthwith sent command of both channels to that nation. In the early days of the Massachusetts Colonel Casey and a company of the Ninth Regiment of Infantry to encamp on San Bay Company the assistants chosen by the members of the company and the deputies Juan and see that Mr. Hubbs was not mo or representatives chosen by the colonists lested by the British. Great was the ex citement on the island of Vancouver while sat together in the same chamber. A stray the American soldiers were settling their pig was a most powerful factor in changing camp on San Juan. The British Admiral this and he played his part in this wise. in great wrath moved his fleet to one of the He wandered away from his own sty and bays of the little islet; but the Governor, was carried to one Captain Keayne of Sir Thomas Douglas, pacified the irate son Boston — a rich man supposed to be of the of Neptune, yet to show that the Lion Dives nature; the town crier gave due notice, but none claimed the stray, so the claimed San Juan, he sent a captain of en gineers and a company of soldiers to camp captain kept it with his own. In course of on the north end of the island. Then each 1 time he killed one of his own. After a year