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The Green Bag.

IN Morgan County, Tennessee, before the hundred years. If these people get civilized establishment of the present county seat, and by that time, perhaps some judge will come before any court house was built, they held here and finish the call of the docket." courts in an old barn at Montgomery. Judge The sheriff quietly adjourned court till Edward Scott was holding court, and counsel Thursday. for the plaintiff in an ejectment suit sud denly found himself needing a certain IT was his first case, and he was defending title paper worse than a fellow ever needs a man accused of stealing a watch. After a a "gun" in Texas. The case was set brilliant defence the man was acquitted. The for trial Wednesday morning. It was impos young lawyer was congratulated by his sible for him to get the paper before Thurs friends and one of them then asked: "How day. He wanted to secure a postponement much did you receive as your fee? until that day, but the circumstances were "Fifty-five cents." There was a howl of such that he knew he'd have a deal of trou derision and shouts of laughter. ble in accomplishing his purpose. "You'll never make a lawyer," said one. Fortunately for him the sheriff was his "Who ever heard of a fifty-five cent fee"; warm friend. The sheriff was popular, and and they roared again. The tyro waited until the laugh subsided, had lots of mountaineers at his beck and call, who would do anything for him that he and then said earnestly: "Boys, I know that might ask. lie and counsel for the plaintiff fifty-five cents ain't much of a fee, but I took every cent the man had." fixed up a little scheme that night. The judge was very fond of spirits, and A CASE was being argued on appeal before could drink a lot without apparent effect, un less something happened to excite him, when the Supreme Court of the State. The city at the liquor would fly instantly to his head and torney in his argument gave expression to demoralize him. This the sheriff well knew. some severe strictures upon the charge of the At night he set out and got some of the best court below to the jury. When he had finished, counsel for the de peach brandy in the mountains, which" was the judge's favorite tipple, if accompanied by fendant in error arose, ponderously, as was honey, and the woods were full of honey. i his wont, stroked his long beard, and looked It was arranged that the friends of the judge wiser than seven owls in a row. He excori who were taken into the secret should ply ated the city attorney, who was something him with peach-and-honey vigorously in the of a youngster, for his boldness in criticising morning at breakfast. the opinion of "one of the ablest, most Two mountaineers were concealed in the learned, most experienced and upright loft of the barn, with instructions to get into judges in this State, may it please your hon the biggest row the mountains ever wit ors." He called his antagonist a beardless nessed, the moment they heard a certain sig youth several times, and closed with that ac cusation, as a parting shot. As soon as he nal from below. The application for a continuance or post took his seat, the beardless youth arose and ponement was made, and the judge was respectfully addressed the court, saying he spurning it with contempt from the foot of had but a word to say by way of closing. the throne," when all of a sudden oaths began "A young Spaniard," said he, "was once to fly around in the loft like brickbats in riot sent as ambassador to the Pope. When he time, and several pistol shots rang out, right presented his credentials, the Supreme Pon over the judge's head. tiff frowned down upon him and asked, The liquor did its work at once. The judge 'Does his Majesty, the King of Spain, lack turned pale with both fright and anger, and men in his kingdom that he sends a beardless called out in stentorian tones: youth—a boy, as his ambassador to the "Mr. Sheriff, adjourn this court for five court of Rome?'"