Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 15.pdf/410

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The Election and Coronation of a Pope. the chapel, receiving homage from the car dinals, who rise and make profound bows to him. As he enters, the first cardinal-deacon raises the red biretta and the second car dinal-deacon fits him with one of white silk. The red satin mozetta is removed, and the Pope is indued with the amice, a linen collar reaching over the shoulders, the alb, girdle, stole and a cope of red and gold. The first


new robes, the consistorial advocates, the secret chamberlains, the referendary pre lates, bishops, archbishops and patriarchs. Then follow the chaplains bearing the triple crown, and the official mitre, preceding the cardinal-deacons, cardinal-priests and car dinal-bishops, the conservators of the Roman people, and then the newly-elected Pope on lofty throne surrounded by the Knights of St. Peter.


cardinal-deacon then places the splendid mitre of gold, adorned with precious gems, on his head. That is the signal for seven acolytes, bear ing seven candelabras, to start in a new pro cession, followed by an apostolic sub-deacon carrying the triple cross. -Immediately fol lowing the cross come the "Pope's gentle men." walking in pairs, the court officials in

This procession descends into the vast basilica of St. Peter. In the portico, near the holy door, there is a most magnificent throne, round which are stools for the car dinals, a balustrade enclosing them. It is at this place that the canons and priests of St. Peter's come to kiss the cross, on the front of the Pope's shoe, thus acknowledging by an act of humility that the Pope is sover