Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 19.pdf/108

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broad daylight and by the clouds of smoke and the without any at tempt at masquer flames that curl ading. And no upward in the single event could background. have suggested In the Peggy more succinctly the Stewart series, as in the Calvert protests of the Marylanders at the series, the pictures oppressions of the are fitted into the Mother Country panels into which than does the burn the wall is divided ing of the brig by its lining of golden tinted NuPeggy Stewart with midian marble pil its cargo of tea, in asters, and its the harbor of Ann Sienna wainscot apolis, on October ing. There are 18, 1774, by its , '906, NUMA owner, Anthony John La, Farge no breaks in the By John La Farge composition, sub Stewart, at the sidiary groups occupying the less import instigation of his indignant fellow-colo nists. Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, as the ant spaces. The figures are life size, and leader of the " Committee of Safety," is the entire composition covers a space represented in the foreground of the central about sixty feet in length. Russet tones panel. Opposite him is Dr. Charles Alex give the dominant note to the pictures, and ander Warfield, then a young man in his the color harmonies of the corridor, the twenties, but the mellow golden leader and spokes lights of the pol man of that fear ished marbles, the less band of patri deeper more varied ots who erected a tones of the paint gallows before the ings, have an allur home of the owner ing charm that the of the brig, and, reproduction in with this object black and white lesson before his can only suggest. eyes, told him that Mr. Edwin H. the only alternative Blashfield, to whom to hanging would the commissions to be his burning of decorate the room the brig. Anthony of the Court of Copyright. Jqob, MAHOMET Stewart, in his shirt John Common Pleas and La Farge By John La Farge sleeves, stands out the Circuit room clearly in the adjoining panel, while in the were given, is represented by two paint third picture a group of men and women ings that are strikingly dissimilar in con in the picturesque garb of the time watch ception and in execution. In the one the conflagration from the lawn of the he has pictured Washington resigning his Stewart house. The brig itself is suggested commission as general-in-chief of the army,