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References in Bold-face are to Leading Articles; in Plain Type to Current Legal Articles; and in Italics to Notes of Recent Cases* EDUCATION. American Law Schools. Humanstic as Preparation for Law. Lawyer's Legal Instruction. Possibilities — England — London. Preliminary for Law Student.

246, 434 370 "74 674 545 674

ELECTIONS. Frauds. State Committee - - Powers.

552 552

EMINENT DOMAIN. Interurban Railroads. Taking City Property for Street.

628 126

EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY. See also Constitutional Law. Constitutional Aspects of Federal Law. N. Y. Act.

80 186 7*5

EQUITY. Accounting. Cancellation of Birth Certificate. Chancery. Contracts. Contracts in Restraint of Trade. Control over Foreign Property. Delay as Defense to Specific Performance Injunction — Strikes. Interpleader. Latent. Law and Practice — England. Plaintiff's Misconduct. Practice. Principles of Specific Performance — Injunction. Strike and Boycott — Use of Injunction. Unfair Trade.

III 622 725 120 246 246 674 126 56. 370 305 552 434 126 370 499

EVIDENCE. See also Practice. Alienists. 674 Best and Secondary. 318 Carbon Copies. 680 Census Returns. 378 Criminal Law. 734 Dying Declarations. 674 Handbook of Law of 725 Judgment. 62g Oral Proof. 492 Phonograph. 12J Presumption of Death, Effect of, on Marketibility of Real Estate. 713 Privileged Communications. 186 Similar Acts. 247 Testimony — Deceased Witness. 186 Trustworthiness of Sights. 622 EXECUTION. Poor Debtor's Oath. Wrongful Levy.

318 318

EXECUTORS. Administrators — Liability for Expenses of Wake. 3*9 A Vote on Retainer. 363

HISTORY. A Plea Rolls Case, 1226 A.D. Alabama Arbitration. Anglo-American Legal History. Australia. Bar in France. Barristers' Roll — England. Bench and Bar — England. Church and State in France. Circuit Riding in the Philippines. Code Napoleon. Colonial Courts, Somerset County, N. J. Cotton Mather in the Probate Court. Decisive Battles of the Law. 248, 370, 493, Descendants of the Curia Regis. Evolution of Right of Trial. Hebrew Law. Homestead Law. Influence of Marshall. James Wilson. Judge and Jury. Lawyers, Ancient. Lawyers in 14th Century — England. Maryland during English Civil Wars. Minnie Healey Case. Monroe Mission. Old Newgate. Patrick Case. Political History of United States. Records of the Federal Convention. Silver Age of Common Law. Supreme Court. The Colonial Bar and the American Revolution. The French Bar. The Justice of the Peace — Philippines. The Mecklenburg Declaration. Trial of Peers.

"5 "5 622 6*3 545 720 370 545 645 "I 56 659 633 726 545 675 545 492 i'5 56 478 726 248 492 435 59 370 "5 730 67s 187 "5 370 545 726 725

HUMOR. See also The Lighter Side. A Closed Chapter in Aeritime Law. 708 Lawyer's Patron Saint (Verse). 10 Mercy of the Court of Burgomasters and Schepens. Ox Pleading —■ (Poem). 40S Sherlock Holmes, Witness. 471 Squire Attom's Decisions. 17a 163 The Importance of Mental Attitude. HUSBAND AND WIFE. Alienation of Husband's Affections. Enticing Away Wife.

630 257

INFANTS. Criminal Responsibility. Next Friend. Prohibition of Sale of Real Estate.

128 552 56

INNKEEPERS. Law of, Hotels and Liability.

116 552

INSURANCE. See also Constitutional Law. Accident — Exceptions in Policy. Accident PoUcy. An Interesting Case.

257 320 37i