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This department is designed to call attention to the articles in all the leading legalperiodicals of the preceding month and to new law books sent usfor review. Conducted by William C. Gray, of Fall River, Mass. The most interesting article of the month for the general reader is probably Bruce Wyman's analysis of the restrictions on the use of ordinary business methods due to the principle of public employment. Those with a fondness for philosophical analysis of legal conception will be interested in E. Hilton Young's article on foreign corporations and Albert S. Thayer's dissection of the ideas of possession and ownership. The student of constitutional law will find all three Columbia Law Review articles devoted to his specialty. James Barr Ames' article on constructive trusts is an especially clear statement of a subject which has caused much diversity of judicial opinion. ADMINISTRATION. "A Note on Re tainer," by Edward Jenks. April Law Quar terly Review (V. xxiii, p. 171). Discussing liability of an executor in England for pre ferring a debt of lower degree in ignorance of the existence of a higher. BIOGRAPHY (Maitland). " In Memoriam: Frederick William Maitland," in the April Law Quarterly Review (V. xxiii, p. 137) consists of appreciations in English, German, French and Italian, written by Oliver Wendell Holmes, John C. Gray, R. Saleiller, Paul Meyer, Heinrich Brunner, F. Liebermann, Joseph Redlich and A. Zocco Rosa. BIOGRAPHY. " William Morris Meredith," by Richard Lewis Ashhurst, April American Law Register (V. lv, p. 201). Sketch of a prominent figure at the bar and in the politics of Pennsylvania during the middle fifty years of the nineteenth century. CODIFICATION. " Commercial Aspect of Uniform State Laws," by Francis B. James, Michigan Law Review (V. v, p. 509). An address before the Cincinnati Credit Men's Association, February 19, 1907, explaining the advantages to business men of codification of the commercial law and adoption of the re sults by the several states. CONFLICT OF LAWS (Foreign Law in Germany). " L'Application Du Droit tranger D'Apres Le Code Civil Allemand," by Ludwig Fuld, Revue de Droit International Prive (V. iii, p. 138). A discussion of the effect of Article 328 of the German code of civil procedure, refusing recognition of foreign judg

ments or decrees that are contrary to good morals or to some German law. CONFLICT OF LAWS (Jurisdiction.) A person wishes to bring an action in a French court against an opponent domiciled in some other country; or an action brought in the court of some other country against a person domiciled in France: How shall the plaintiff proceed to give the court jurisdiction, constrain the defendant to appear and secure a judgment of any value? These questions are discussed by Jules Valery, pro fessor in the Law Faculty of Montpellier, in the January-February Revue de Droit Inter national Privi (V. iii, p. 5), under the title "La Demande En Justice Envisaged Dans Les Rapports De La France Avec Les Pays Etrangers." It is to be continued. CONFLICT OF LAWS (Marriage in Foreign Countries). "Mariage A L'Etranger Des Deserteurs Et Des Insoumis," by Camille Jordan, Revue de Droit International Privi (V. iii, p. 128). A discussion of the validity of the marriage abroad of deserters from the French army or those who are evading ser vice and of the marriage in France of foreign ers of the same classes. To be continued. CONFLICT OF LAWS (Nationality in Tur key). "De L'Autorite" Comp^tente Pour Statuer En Turquie Sur Les Questions Rela tives A La Nationality Et Des Conflits De Lois En Matiere De Nationality," by E. R. Salem, Revue de Droit International Privi (V. iii, p. 25). Discussion of the proper tribunal to decide questions of nationality in