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ciliation and Investigation, while at least directly within its scope. On the whole fourteen Boards have been constituted, this must be admitted to be a very fair and four or five others are in course of record for the new statute, bearing in mind establishment. The applications have 'its brief existence. It is not of course to be affected many thousands of workers and expected that this legislation will work many millions of capital. At the date of without jar or friction, but it is believed to writing, eleven of the disputes for the be a long step in advance of all preceding adjustment of which the Act was invoked, measures that have touched the vexed and have been satisfactorily disposed of, and in difficult problem of the relations of capital only one case has the procedure, when and labour in Canada. It differs materially applied, failed to secure an understanding from the labour legislation enacted in any between the parties. In the case of the other other country where such questions have Boards the proceedings are not yet con been seriously considered, but there is rea cluded. Of five applications in connection son to believe that such variations from with which Boards were not established, the beaten paths will be found helpful in three related to disputes which were settled the solution of the problem indicated, which either under the terms, or by reason of the is surely one of the most tremendous con influence, of the Act, and two concerned fronting the twentieth century. disputes in industries that do not come Toronto, Canada, November, 1907.