Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 20.pdf/15

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SUBJECT DIGEST References in Bold-face are to Leading Articles; in Plain Type to Current Legal Articles; and in Italics to Notes of Recent Cases. MOB


Limitation — Part Payments. Limitation — Validity of Statute.

BANKRUPTCY — Continued. Replevin. Scotland — 1907 Bill. Tax Deed to Bankrupt's Property. Treatise on.

477 270

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW. Civil Service — Solicitation of Campaign Funds. 328 Delivery of Mail. 381 Distribution of Governmental Powers. 633


Bill of Exchange. Bremen Rules. Checque Cases. Effect of Seals. Illegality of Consideration. Liability of Bank Collecting Commercial Paper. Negotiable Instruments. Negotiable Instruments— Germany. Ownership of Checks.


Action for Death on the High Seas. Coasting Trade. Material — Men's Liens. Navigable Waters — Logging Operations. Salvage Awards. Salvage and Chartered Freight. Salvage — Jurisdiction.

36 467 205 381 370 316 316

Shipping — Limitation of Liability.


Teaching in Law Schools.



BANKING. Checks. German Bourse Law. Liability — Bills of Lading.

254 562 566 421

Aiyar, Sir T. M. 418 Beccaria, Marquis de. 206 Benjamin, T. P. 147 Boswell. 562 Brampton, Lord. 541 Burgh, H. D. 527 Bynkershoek, C. V. 563 Crittenden, J. J. 385 Erskine, Lord Thomas. 581 Fairbanks, C. W. 221 Gray, George. 277 Great American Lawyers. 254, 316. 370 Hadley, Atty. General 235 Hale, Sir Matthew. 418 Harmon, Judson. 238 Hawkins, Sir Henry. 541 Kekewich, Mr. Justice. 53 Kent, Chancellor. 206, 418 Knox, P. C. 161 Mackenzie, Sir George. 36 Lawyers as Presidential Candidates in 1908. 93 Lehmann, F. W. 481 Lincoln, Abraham. 78 Miller, S. F. 255 O'Hagan, Lord. 433 Romilly, Sir Samuel. 206 Taft, W. H. 337 Tyler, Royall. x Victorian Chancellors. 467 Webster, Pelatiah. 36, 38 Young, Lord. 36

Automobiles. 567 Implied Authority. 146 Independent Contractor — Illinois. 93 Liability of General and Special Agents. 626 Sealed Instruments. 316

ATTORNEY AND CLIENT. Admission. Contempt. Disbarment. Disbarment for Contempt. Gratuitous Services. Imputation of Knowledge. Pardon — Disbarment.

562 206 562 259 265



College Fraternities — Legal Status. Joint Stock Companies — England. Right to Exclusive use of Badges.

44 93 102 418

255 321 634 2JJ, 527 532 474 265 423 101 533 107 316 467


See also Constitutional Law. Concealment of Property. 327 Debts Discharged. 153 Discharge of Debts Created in Fiduciary Capacity. . 44 Preferences. 377, 423 Provincial Act-India. 418

CARRIERS. See also Public Service Companies, Railroads. Chartered Train. 424 Damages for Ejection. 634 IT