Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 20.pdf/17

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INDEX GREEN BAG, VOL. XX References in Bold-face are to Leading Articles; in Plain Type to Current Legal Articles; and in Italics to Notes of Recent Cases.

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW — Continued. Statutory Regulation of Wages. Subscription for Entertainment of Politi cal Convention. Suits against States Supreme Court and the Commercial Era. Supreme Court and Rate Regulation. Taxation — Assessment without notice. Taxing Power. Telegraph messages — Delivery. Treaty Making Power. 95, Treaty Power and Police Regulation. Uncertainty and Due Process of Law. Union Membership-Discharge. Unreasonable Penalties. Weekly Payment Law. CONTEMPT. Death of Offender. India. Libel by Stranger. Misstatement of Opinion of Court. CONTRACTS. Appropriation of Payments. Assumpsit, — Right of Beneficiary. Bailment — Breach of Contract. Business by Telegram. Consideration. Freedom of Trade. Injunction. Labor Unions. Money Paid under Mistake of Law. Pass and Forgery. Restraint of Trade. Usury.

94 154 38 419 94 755 149 148 626 94 94 266 168 103

567 209 3 19, 469 214 209 206 475 563 209 563 105 105 632 470 38 255

CORPORATIONS — Continued. Forfeiture of Franchise. Incorporation and Organization of. Issue of Stock. Liability of Inactive Corporate Director. Liability of Stockholders. Manual of. Monopolies. Paying Dividends out of Capital. Power to Insure Life of Officer. Public Utility. Recession of Sale. Status of Provincial Companies. Stockholders' Double Liability. Stockholder's Liability. Stockholders' Right to Sue. Stock Transfers. Treatise on Modern Law of.

568 256 424 95 371 320 47 209 475 38 475 320 256 476 96 371 626

COURTS. Action against Foreign Sovereign. Conflicting Jurisdiction. 568, Congestion of Special Sessions Calendar. Consular — J urisdiction. Essex County Court House. Federal. Juvenile. The Supreme Court and State.

379 635 626 319 124 470 257 626

CRIMINAL LAW. Accessory to Suicide. Arrest without Warrant. Blasphemy. Capital Punishment. Confrontation. Conspiracy. Criminal Responsibility of Animals. Criticism of Reform Movement. CONVEYANCING. Cruel and Unusual Punishments. England. 470 Evidence. England — Land Transfer Acts. 149 Evidence — Blood-hounds. Fraudulent. 470 Former Jeopardy. Fraudulent Acts — Liability of Grantee for Grand Juries — Evidence. Rents. 331 History — England." Land Title Transfers. 371 India — Private Defence. Indictments. COPYRIGHTS AND TRADE MARKS. Interim Stay. Infringements. 534 Issues in Civil Actions. Musical. 268 Judicial Legislation. Restraining Infringement. 379 Larceny. Uncopyrighted Post Cards. 332 "Negligence. Negligence of Captain of Vessel. CORPORATIONS. Nuisances. See also Constitutional Law. Parole. Prevention of Crime. Action by Foreign Corporation. 329 Probation. And the States. 38 Collateral Attack on Incorporation. 209 Procedure. Spring Gun. Compelling Service — Electric Company. 379 Unwritten Law. Directors. 96 Verdict in Absence of Accused. Foreign. 105, 106 Witnesses. Foreign — Business in State. 330

635 38, 214 527 209 380 268 28 209 38 256 275 46, 380 372. 527 149 627 372 419 330 155 46 476 331 2<5i? 470 528 470 268 38 268 555