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The Civic Side of Law JAMES BRADLEY THAYER was known to a whole generation of stu dents at Harvard Law School as a sympathetic and inspiring lecturer. Through his collections of Cases on Evidence and on Constitutional Law, he was known to the legal profession as a sound and profound scholar. They were looking with eagerness to the publication of his projected treatises on the whole Law of Evidence, and on American Constitutional Law. His untimely death in 1902 left these projects unaccomplished. He had written, however, from time to time discussions of some of the important branches of both topics. In order that these should not be lost to permanent literature, his son, Ezra R. Thayer of the Boston Bar, has gathered them, with explanatory notes, in a handsome volume. As a frontispiece he publishes the best portrait of Prof. Thayer which has ever appeared. This alone would commend the volume to the author's many admirers and friends. Legal Essays. By JAMES BRADLEY THAYER, LL.D., late Weld Professor of Law at Harvard University. One volume, cloth binding, price $3. 50 net. CONTENTS: Origin and Scope of the American Doctrine of Constitutional Law. — Advisory Opinions. — Legal Tender. — A People without Law (the American Indians). — Gelpcke v. Dubuque; Federal and State Decisions. — Our New Pos sessions. —-International Usages; A Step Forward. — Dicey's Law of the English Constitution. — Bedingfield's Case; Declarations as Part of the Res Gesta?. — "Law and Logic." — A Chapter of Legal History in .Massachusetts. — Trial by Jury of Things Supernatural. — Bracton's Note Book. — The Teaching of English Law at Universities. COMMENDATIONS OF THE PRESS: A valuable volume, ... of unusually fine quality . . . giving an enlarged treatment of several topics in constitutional law. . . . Surely no one has written of the law more entertain ingly or more soundly. . . . This volume may be expected to take a permanent place in legal literature, and to be read over and over again. . . . On every page one sees the work of a master, whose originality was matched by his learning, and whose gracefulness of expression was equalled by his good sense. —Harvard Laiv Review. All the Essays, and particularly those dealing with Constitutional topics, bear abundant testimony to the enthusiasm, insight and thoroughness with which Prof. Thayer attacked the many problems that came before him as a student and exponent of law. — The Outlook, N. Y. All deeply interesting to the legal profession, a majority of the essays also appeal to the thoughtful non-professional reader. — The Boston Advertiser. This volume makes accessible to the legal profession some papers which have exerted a good deal of influence. — Law Notes. Proofs of his patient and deep study of Constitutional topics. — The Sun, A'cu1 York. Prof. Thayer is entitled to rank with Sir Frederick Pollock, Prof. Maitland and Prof. Dicey. — New York Times.

OTHER NEW PUBLICATIONS Stimson's Law of the Federal and State Constitutions. Cloth, $3.50 net. Supplement (Vol. 27) to English Ruling Cases. Sheep or cloth, $5.50 net. Best on Evidence, with Chamberlayne's American Notes. Cloth, $3.50.

published by T H E BOSTON BOOK COMPANY 83 to 91 Francis Street, Fenway, Boston, Mass.