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The Legal World


of Hawaii; William J. Robinson, to be third

Copper Company with the Utah Copper Com pany, his services extending over no more than four years, is believed to be the largest fee ever received by a lawyer in this country

Judge of the circuit court of Hawaii.

or elsewhere, in corporation practice.

President Taft nominated as the five mem bers of the new Customs Court authorized

for nearly ten years, now serving a 'fe sen tence in Sing Sing prison, was formally disbarred as a practlsin lawyer by the a pellate division of the upreme Court of ew York Jan. 28. This was a serious blow

Hawaii; Edward Kent, Chief

ustice of the

Supreme Court of Arizona; Jo n T. DeBolt, to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court

Albert T. Patrick, who has been a by the Aldrich-Payne tarifi law, United States


udge Alfred C. Coxe of Utica, N. Y.,

to be C ief ustice, and Marion De Vries, of California, w o for the ast ten years has been

a. member of the Boa of General Ap raisers of Customs at the port of New York; illiam


to Patrick in his long fight for freedom, as it deprives him of many privileges in pre paring his appeals.

H. Hunt, of Montana, United States District

Judge for the District of Montana, and for mer y Governor of Porto Rico; Gen. James F. Smith of California, formerly Governor-Gen eral of the Philippines, and O. M. Barber, a lawyer of Bennington, Vt.

PeraonaF-The Bar Louis Glickman of Sacramento is prob ably the youngest lawyer in the United States, havin been admitted to the California bar on Dec. 3, his twenty-first birthday. He is a graduate of the law de artrnent of the Uni versity of Southern Cali ornia. Commissioner H. W. Macfarland of the District of Columbia, who recently resigned in order to ractise law, has formed a artner ship with C rles Cowles Tucker and . Miller Kenyon, who have ‘practised for years as Tucker & Kenyon in ashington.

Geo eH.Collector Lyman, after nearl years’ servicergas of the Pri’rttwelve of Boston,

voluntarily relinquished that ofiice an. 24 to his successor, Edwin U. Curtis. r. L n was born in Boston Dec. 13, 1850, an was educated at the Boston Latin School, St. Paul's School, Harvard College and Harvard Law School. He entered the law office of

Ropes, Gray& Loring, in Boston, and con fined himself to his law practice until his interest in

important 0

litics led to his selection for

ces on political committees.

The following appointments of President Taft of United States Attorneys have been confirmed by the Senate: Arba S. Van Walken burgh, western district of Missouri; H. Roy Waugh, northern district of West Vi 'nia; RobertT. Whitehouse,district of Maine;

Morrison,district of Arizona; Charles A.

Orion Howard Cheney has been ap inted Superintendent of Banks by Governor ughes of New York. Mr. Cheney is about forty {Ears old, a graduate of the University of 'chigan, and began practice in 1897. The services he has already rendered to the state have been valuable.


Erwin, southern district of Georgia; Asa P. French, district of Massachusetts; Jose h E. ilson,

district of Rhode Island; Ernest F. Cochran, district of South Carolina; John M. Cheney, southern district of Florida; Lunsford L. Lewis,

eastern district of Vir 'nia; Francis S. Howell, district of Nebraska;

harles A. Houts, eastern

district of Missouri.

@ar Association: John F.

Forbis of Butte, Montana, has

retired from

ractice to his estate near Port

land, Ore.

t a dinner given in his honor

Dec. 29 b the Silver Bow County Bar Asso ciation, istinguished lawyers from various rts of the state were present, and the upreme bench was fully represented. Hon. Joseph H. Choate, former Ambassador to the Court of St. James, celebrated his seventy-ninth birthday Jan. 24 by pressin a suit in the federal court, in the case 0 Receiver Ladd of the New York City Railway Compan against the directors of the Metro politan curities Company. The $775,000 fee said to have been id the New York corporation lawyer, Samue Unter myer, for his professional services in relation to the merging of the Boston Consolidated

The Omaha Bar Association was successful in its efiorts, during the

ast year, to secure

the passa e of a law lengthening the residence requéred iefore divorce suits may be insti tute .

The State Bar Association of Utah held its annual meeting Jan. 10 in Salt Lake City. Addresses were made by the president, Hon. LeGrand Young, and by Messrs. Stephen L. Richards, E. A. Walton and others.

The American Bar Association has decided to hold its next annual meeting at Chatta nooga, Tenn., Aug. 30-31 and Sept. 1.‘ Amon the interesting features of the meeting ' be the resentation of a silver service to Mr. John inckley, for almost twenty years secretary of the Association.