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The Green Bag


Ezra Ripley Thayer was born, Feb ruary 21, 1866, in Milton, Massachusetts. He was prepared for college at the

Cambridge Latin School, Hopkinson’s School, and by private tutors while travelling in Greece. He received from Harvard the degree of AB. in 1888, and was throughout his college course the first schol‘ ar in his class.

he became a member in 1896. For a number of years he lectured on Massa chusetts practice at the Harvard Law School. In 1900 he retired from the firm



Dunbar 8:


and became a member of the firm of Storey, Thorndike & Palmer, the name

of which was changed in 1903 to Storey, T ho rndik e, P a l m e r & Thayer. F o 1' In 18 9 l h e many years he g r a. d u a t e d 11 a s b e e n a from the Law member of the School, receiv Council of the ing the degrees Boston Ba r of LL.B. and A s s o c i at i on A.M. While in a n d of t h e the Law School Grievan c e he was for two Committee. He years one of also rendered the editors of valuable public the H a r v a r d 5 e r v i c e s as L a w Review, secretary of and at gradua the Committee tion received on the Amend t h e prize of ment of t he fered b y t h e Law. He was Harvard L a w a member of School A s s o the Committee ciation to the of the Ameri g r a d u a t in g can Bar Asso class of 1891 ciation, which for an essay on EZRA RIPLEY THAYER (1 r a f t e (1 its “Judicial Legis 'l‘HE mew DEAN OF THE HARVARD LAW SCHOOL code of ethics l ation, I t s (Photo by Chickering) L e gi t i m a t e in 1908. In 1907 Mr. F u n c t i o n in the Development of the Common Thayer edited some of the unpublished Law." l essays of his father, the late Professor Immediately after graduating from James Bradley Thayer, with the title. the Law School Mr. Thayer became "Thayer’s Legal Essays." Traditions of scholarship and educa secretary of the late Judge Horace Gray

of the Supreme Court of the United

tion are Mr. Thayer’s by inheritance.

States. He afterwards began the prac tice of the law in Boston with the firm

He has solid attainments and a brilliant mind; but perhaps his most obvious distinction is the effective combination of these qualities as a practising lawyer.

of Brandeis, Dunbar & Nutter, of which


Harv. Law Rmx. 172.)