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The Green Bog ‘

"Executed Ultra Vires Transactions." By Edward H. Warren. 23 Harvard Law Re view 495 (May). “Corporation Liens on Stock." By Edson R. Sunderland. 8 Mi'higan Law Review 555 (May). Criminology. “The Death of Lombroso." By Professor Courtney Kenny. 10 journal of Comparative Legislation, pt. 2,p. 220 (Apr.). A readable characterization of the Italian criminologist, including a statement of his

opinions. "The


Side of

VIII, Sharps and Flats." Anderson, K.C.B.

My Oflicial


By Sir Robert





678 (May). Reminiscences of thieves and Swindlers. “Criminal Statistics, 1908." 35 Law Magw zine and Review 312 (May).

Cross-Examination. "The Art of Cross Examination." By E. F. B. Johnston, K. C. 30 Canadian Law Times 395 (May). Defamation. "Legal Presumptions." By Julius Hirschfeld. 35 Law Magazine and Re view 265 (May). Considering the general subject of uninten . tional libel.

American journal of International Law 384 (Apr.). Treating of "Occasional Duties of the De partment. ' ‘ ‘Recent and PendingConstitutional Changes in England." By Edward Porritt. American Political Science Review, v. 4, p. 196 (May). A review of the fourth edition of Sir Wil liam Anson's Law and Custom of the Consti tution, into which is introduced much shrewd

analysis and comment on present conditions of British politics. “The Canadian Constitution." By W. Kent Power. Law Notes, v. 14, p. 27 (May). A good description of the overnment of Canada, with emphasis on the eatures which distinguish it from other colonies. See Fifteenth Amendment. History. See Government, Legal History. Insanity. “Equity Jurisdiction Over the Persons and Property of Incompetent Per sons; I, II." By Sidney J. Dudley. 16 Vir ginia Law Register 1 (May), 81 (June). The subject is considered not solely from the point of view of Virginia law, the treat ment being of broad scope. International Law. Admiralty,

Employer's Liability. See Labor Laws. Elections. “The Fight for a Clean Ballot." By Edward Ridley Finch. I ndependent, v. 68 p. 1020 (May 12). Equitable Conversion. “Equitable Con version in Pennsylvania." By Roland R. Foulke. 58 Univ. of Pa. Law Review 455 (May). Equity Jurisdiction. See Insanity. Espionage. “Espionage and Scientific In vention." By Norman Bentwich. 10 journal of Comparative Legislation, pt. 2, p. 243 (Apr.). Discussing the war crime of esponiage, par ticularly as affected by wireless telcgraphy and aviation.


See “Act of State," International


tions, Liability of the Sovereign, Nationality, Naturalization, Neutrality, Newfoundland Fisheries Case, Title by Discovery. International Relations. "The Cretan Ques tion." By Theodore P. Ion. 4 American journal of International Law 276 (Apr.). Dealing with the political status of Crete. Interstate Commerce. See Railways, Street

Railways. Labor Laws. "A Review of Labor Legisla tion in the United States for the Year 1909." By Irene Osgood. American Political Science Review, v. 4, p. 163 (May). Remarking that labor legislation in this country is in a chaotic condition, and calls for the establishment of scientific standards,

Evidence. SeeCross-Examination. Fifteenth Amendment. “The Fifteenth Amendment." By William C. Coleman. 10 Columbia Law Review 416 (May). An able, learned, and in fact unanswerable refutation of the arwiments of the late Judge Morris, Mr. Arthur Machen, Jr., and others that the Fifteenth Amendment 15 not valid.

Full Faith and Credit Clause. "Equity Jurisdiction Under the Full Faith and Credit Clause: Fall v. Eastin, I." By Prof. Henry Schofield.

5 Illinois Law Review 1 (May).

Government. "The History of the Depart ment of State, V." By Gaillard Hunt. 4

this writer proceeds to summarize, under a dozen or more headings and subheadings, the important legislation of the year. Legal History.

See Marriage and Divorce,

Roman-Dutch Law. Legislation. “Review of Legislation, 1908." With introduction by Sir Courtenay Ilbert. 1 0 journal of Comparative Legislation, pt. 2, p. 27 (Apr.). A summary of the legislation of Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the United States, and the British Empire, for

the year 1908. Special attention may be given to the following :—