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The Legal World Among the works which he translated were "Lavisse's Political History of Europe" and Kayserling's “Christopher Columbus."


in the charge to the jury, supplementary examination of witnesses by the jud e depositions, examination in court of t e accused,

the trial of the issue of menta

responsibility by separate juries or by juries of experts, expert testimony in insanity cases, appeals by the state on questions of law, restrictions on the right of appeal by defendant, the o anization of criminal courts, the trial an unishment of juvenile from $7,500 to $10,000. Not lon after the Election, the Board tpf Estimate 0 NFWMYOI'k oflenders and the egal responsibility of parents and others contributing to the de it, agreein t e 0 'nionraising o ayor McClellan, ago wit ted resolutiydns the 'nquency of children,‘ recidivism, probation, pardon and indeterminate sentence, salaries of the u reme Court judges in New parole, and the causes and prevention of crime. York Cit 84,0, to $21,500 in all. This_ A number of questions relating to these topics alleged ‘salary grab" was denounced by referred to committees for report in many leading members of the bench and bar were future. A rmanent organization was in New York City, and public opinion proved and Judge E. Ray Stevens of so bitter that the resolutions were rescinded eflected, Madison was elected president. The next at a special meeting of the Board of Estimate called by the Ma or November 29. The meeting will be held in November, 1910. New York City ar Association and the The President in his first annual message New York County Lawyers Association had to Con 5, submitted December 7, com opposed the sala increase in Manhattan, mended the Declaration of London as “an as had also all t e justices of the second eminently satisfactory codification of the department of the Supreme Court. international maritime laws," and called attention to the fact that this country would The course pursued by the United States send representatives to the international in its dispute with Nicaragua had presented, for the promotion of uniform up to the time this issue went to press, several conference legislation concernin letters of exchan e, imgortant questions of international law. 'ch is to meet at T e Hague in June, 19 0. Ze ya's withholding of any explanation w He again ex ressed his conviction that “a of the shooting of the two Americans, Groce change in ju icial procedure, with a view to and Cannon, was undiplomatic. The reducing its expense to private litigants in caustic note of Secretary Knox to Mr. Rodri civil cases and facilitating the dispatch of guez sug ested that Zelaya had much to business and final decision in both civil and answer or in Central America, that the criminal cases, constitutes the greatest need United States would hold the authors of the our American institutions." The recom outrage accountable for their act, and that in mendation was made that the President the revolutionists would be unofficialéy re be authorized to ap 'nt “a commission with ceived by the State Department an put authority to examine the law and equity upon an equal footing with Zelaya’s govern procedure of the federal courts of first instance, ment. The note was practicall an ultimatum, the law of appeals from those courts to the and was backed up by the cgsplay of naval courts of appeals and to the Supreme Court, force in Nicaraguan waters, ready to strike and the costs imposed in such procedure u n any blow which might be necessary to help the private litigants and upon the pn lic the United States to discha e its duty “to treasury, and make recommendation with its citizens, to its dignity, to ntral America, a view to simplifying and expediting the and to civilization.’ procedure as far as possible and making it as inexpensive as ma be to the litigant of At the invitation of the Universit of little means.” He aso recommended "the Wisconsin a state conference on crimina law enactment of a statute forbidding hereafter and criminology was held at Madison on the issuing of any injunction or restraining November 26 and 27. The number of those order, whether temporary or permanent, by in attendance was about 150, and included any federal court, without previous notice judges of the Supreme Court and of the and a reasonable opportunity to be heard on behalf of the parties to be enjoined; unless district courts, state's attorneys, heads of the state penal and insane institutions, lawyers, it shall ap ear to the satisfaction of ‘the court teachers, clergymen and medical men. The that the clay necessary to give such notice program included an address by Mr. Justice and hearing would result in irreparable injury to the com lainant and unless also the court imlin, of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, on “The Problems before the Conference," shall from t e evidence make a written finding, which shall be spread upon the court minutes, and by Professor Roscoe Pound, of the Uni that immediate and irreparable injury is versit of Chica 0, on "The Ritual of Primi tive ustice. T e second day was chiefly likely to ensue to the complainant, and shall devoted to a discussion of the re rts of define the injury, state why it is irreparable, committees. Among the questions 'scussed and shall also endorse on the order issued tbs date and the hour of the issuance of the were three-fourths verdicts, the power of judges to sum up the issues and the evidence 0 er." Secretary of State Koenig announced December 12 that the four constitutional amendments had been carried in New York State. One of these increases the salaries of up-state Justices of the Supreme Court