Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 23.pdf/315

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Eflective Government of the Psalmist, your feet are planted in a large room. The world is all before you, where to choose. When your fathers were graduated at the Univer sity thirty odd years ago, the thoughts of the people were centred principally upon industrial and business activity.

The railroads were opening up the great western country for development, min

ing and manufacture were being stimu lated by new inventions and increased facilities of transportation, leading to cheapened production and improved product; and the rapid progress in facili ties of inter-communication of thought was bringing the ends of the earth into closer touch with each other. The surplus population of Europe poured into our country, and brawny arms from many lands developed our mines and carried on the work of our factories. Plenty was scattered over a smiling land. The way was open for everyone. If the older communities were too crowded, there was room for all in the great West. Industry and enterprise and intelligence found ample scope, wealth was garnered


ness alone exalteth a nation. In the period of their greatest material progress they paused to consider whether their institutions were securing justice be tween man and man.

The laws of state and nation alike during this period of great industrial progress were moulded to facilitate the conduct of business on a colossal scale. There was nothing more natural. They met the needs of the hour. True, they went beyond those needs, and, in so

doing, they aroused the people to a recognition of the fact that they had gone too far. In the triumphal progress of expanding industry and accumulating wealth the rights of individuals and of classes of individuals who had but an humble share in it, were not always

considered. Here and there occasional peaks of garnered riches rose high above the plain, and like the robber barons of

the Rhineland,




capital sat enthroned upon them. But their very height lifted them up where all men could see and begin to question how they came there, and whether it

in many fields. The power of co-opera tion and organization in the conduct of business was applied during the past

was for the common weal, that such

thirty years to an extent never before

ing you as you enter upon the drama of

dreamed of.

matured life is to find the means of

Men learned then how

inequalities of condition should exist. So today the great’question confront

over industry

maintaining the true balance between

and commerce could be effected through organization. Commercial empires were formed. Great fortunes were amassed

zen must enjoy in order that he may


a control

in the hands of a few, but prosperity

came also to many. What wonder that materialism became rampant, and that the golden calf was erected for worship in the market places! But the vision of truth and justice has never wholly failed before the eyes of the American people, and in the full flush of their highest prosperity they heard the voice of the national con science reminding them that Righteous

the freedom which the individual citi justly prosper, and the protection of the mass of the people from unjust discrimination in favor of the few. In a country whose government is

based on manhood suffrage, any abuse can continue only until a majority of the people are convinced that it is wrong. Then there is bound to be a change. But whether or not the change proposed to remedy the evil is a wise one and will not result merely in jump

ing out of the frying pan into the fire,