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The Federal Judiciary Act periods of New York history, were buried. Leisler had called the first con gress of colonies, and he had gained

the first victory of democracy in New York. By act of Parliament obtained by Leisler’s son in 1698, the judgments of the New York courts were can celed, Leisler’s action throughout his leadership was completely exonerated


and his memory was freed from all stigma. Three years later, in the very City Hall in which they had been con demned, the bodies of Leisler and Mil borne, taken up from their resting-place,

were laid in state. With full and im pressive ceremony they were again buried —these men who had lived a life of romance and who had died as traitors.

The Act codifying the Laws Relating to the Federal Judiciary N outline of the important act of

district, in New York and Texas, four;

March 3, 1911, codifying the laws relating to the federal judiciary and abolishing the Circuit Courts of the United States, is given by William H. Loyd in the University of Pennsylvania Law Review. ‘ "The principal results accomplished by the new code are a systematic re statement of the laws relating to federal court practice and the administrative

in other states there are two districts with but one judge, as in South Caro

machinery of the courts; the abolition of the Circuit Courts; and a re-distribu

tion of jurisdiction, original and appel late, between the remaining courts. The Court of Customs Appeals and the Commerce Court are also welded into the system.

To describe adequately

the technical features of the code would require a discussion of many acts and decisions and will no doubt occupy the attention of text writers on federal prac tice for some time to come. . . "The United States is divided into seventy-seven judicial



lina; in still other districts there are

additional judges; in the southern dis trict of New York, four, the maximum


There is no uniformity in this


The salary of the district judges

is six thousand dollars a year. When a district judge is prevented from holding court by any disability, the circuit judge, or, in his absence, the circuit justice,

may appoint another district judge in the same circuit to hold court, or, if for

sufiicient reason that is impracticable, the chief justice of the United States

may designate the judge of a district in another circuit to discharge the duties of the judge so disabled. Special assign ments may be made also to meet an accumulation of business, and, when the

public interests require, the senior cir cuit judge, the circuit justice or the

chief justice may appoint a circuit judge to hold the district court. The district

In some states there is more than one

courts have original jurisdiction as fol lows:

‘The Federal Courts: A Brief Outline of their Organization and Jurisdiction under the new “Judicial Code." 59 Univ. of. Pa. L. Rev. 454 (Apr.).

1. Of all suits of a civil nature, at common law or in equity, brought by the United States, or by any oflicer thereof authorized by law to sue, or between citizens of the same state Claim

state comprising one district at least.