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The Green Bag


writing to give their readers an idea of the scene in the court, was otherwise confined to a verbatim transcript of the language of counsel, the jury and the

intervening Sundays, and thus execu

evidence of the witnesses, and there was

working of this rule, and as also indi

nothing which could be construed in any way as an indication of what im pression the evidence and arguments of counsel were making upon the judge or jury.

cating the celerity with which justice is administered in England, it may be stated that in the recent case of Dickman,







Tuesday after the third Sunday from conviction.

As an illustration of the

arrested for the Newcastle train murder, the conviction was on July 6, notice

It may be pointed out that in England,

of appeal was entered on July 7, the

according to fixed rules, execution takes

appeal was heard on July 22 and

place about a fortnight or three weeks after the sentence. The time allotted

the murderer was executed on August 9.

after conviction, or after an afiirmance

In the case of Macdonald, who was indicted for the murder of Schlitte,

thereof on appeal, before the execution

a foreign banker, the conviction was on

takes place allows for a minimum of two clear Sundays, but the more recent

December 15, the appeal was heard on December 22 and the execution was

practice is that there shall be three

on January 6.

The Code of Legal Ethics of the Bar Association of San Francisco [The Bar Association of San Francisco unanimously adopted the following code of ethics at a meeting held Oct. 13, 1910. The code is framed upon an entirely different plan from that of the American Bar Association Code. laying particular

stress on the duty of the lawyer I to _ devote every effort to remedying present defects in the administration of justice. The committee which reported the code consisted of Charles S. Wheeler (chairman), Warren Olney, Grover O'Connor, Charles A. Shurtlefi and A. C. Freeman.—Ed.]

I. Distinctive Character of American

ethical truth that the lawyer, as an

Legal Ethics

officer of the court, is obligated to aid in, and not to hamper or thwart, the

The Bar Association of San Francisco calls upon all licensed practitioners at

the San Francisco Bar to bear in mind that the profession of the law, for more than two thousand years, has been recognized as essential to the social

administration of justice.

They are also called upon to remember that their profession is incorporated into, and dignified by, the organic acts of the state and the nation;

that the

bar is charged with the high duty of

concept which is the basis of American

supplying from its limited ranks the

civilization; that the ideals of the pro


fession call not only for ability, learning, humanity and probity, but for a high minded and unselfish obedience to the

the supreme importance of which depart ment is emphasized in the circumstance that the people have delegated to it

Department of government,