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The Green Bag

Foreign Wills Act. Bar Association adopted report of Committee on Uniform State Laws, recommending adoption of this act in every state. Incorporation. Second tentative draft of Uniform Act for incorporation of business cor porations discussed by National Commissioners and recommitted with various recommendations.

Indeterminate Sentence. The principles of indeterminate sentence and a system of parole for any felony or crime except treason and murder were recommended and adopted by the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. Insanity. Committee B, on Insanity and Criminal Responsibility, of the American Insti tute of Criminal Law and Criminology made recommendations that the legal tests of insanity be abolished and that insanity should be held tobe a good defense whenever it negatives the necessary criminal intent. The report also contained impor tant recommendations with regard to medical

expert testimony (supra). Insurance. Committee on Insurance Law of American Bar Association submitted bill for commission to prepare an insurance code for the District of Columbia, with the aim of secur ing a model law suitable for adoption by the sev eral states. Legal Education. Discussed both by Sec tion on Legal Education and American Associa tion of Law Schools, but no important action taken on requirements for admission to the bar. Marriage and Divorce. Draft of Uniform Act for regulation of marriages and marriage li censes adopted by Uniform State Laws Com missioners, after section 26 had been struck out by a vote of thirteen states against and twelve in favor of the section. The section would have introduced a ground of annulment that does not appear in the Uniform Divorce Act, i. 0., in the case of marriage contracted by a minor who had not received the necessary consent of parent, guardian or curator.


The Bar Association adopted the

trials on technical grounds unless the error com plained of shall have injuriously affected the sub

stantial rights of the parties; (2) that rules of federal practice be changed to permit the taking of testimony in open court, both in admiralty

and in equity cases; (3) that differences in forms of action at law and in equity be abolished by adding two proposed sections to the Judicial Code; and (4) that legislation be enacted looking to a review, by the Supreme Court, of judgments of highest state courts holding statutes invalid under the federal Constitution. The report of Committee D of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, pre sented by Roscoe Pound, declared that the fed eral courts could be strengthened by a system whereby eminent judges specially trained in the various branches of law and equity might be dis patched all over the United States when needed. Recall of Judges. Resolution adopted by American Bar Association denouncing the recall. Salaries of Judges. The Association's Com mittee on Jurisprudence and Law Reform hav ing reported adversely on resolution favoring dation higher salaries was tabled, for federal the resolution judges, the being recommen~ adopted. “Third Degree."

Association sustained re

port of Committee on Jurisprudence and Law Reform that resolution condemning "third de gree" ought not to pass, this being a matter solely for local regulation.

Torrens System. Committee of Uniform State Laws Conference authorized to study the subject further and report next year. Uniformity of State Laws. As reported by the committee of the American Bar Association. the Negotiable Instruments Act has been passed in thirty-five states, two territories, the District of house Columbia Receiptsand Act two in twenty-one possessions; states theand ware ter ritories and the District of Columbia; the Sales

Act in eight states and one territory; the Divorce Act in three states; the Stock Transfer Act in five states; the Bills of Lading Act in six states;

report of the Committee on Patent, Trademark

and Copyright Law, which expressed the view

the Foreign Wills Act in four states and the

that Congress will have to yield to the growing

Family-Desertion Act in five states.

demand for a court of patent appeals.

headings, Child Labor, Family Desertion, For

(See under

eign Wills Act, Incorporation, Marriage and Procedure.

The Special Committee to Sug

Divorce, Torrens System.) gest Remedies and Formulate Proposed Laws

which were approved by the Association: (1)

Woman Sufirage. Equal suffrage resolu tion introduced by Charles A. Boston defeated in American Bar Association.

that Congress be urged to enact the well-known measure which the Association has supported for several years, preventing reversals and new

Workmen's Compensation. The matter was discussed by Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and referred back to a committee.

to Prevent Delay and Unnecessary Cost in Liti gation made four important recommendations