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The Legal World adjourn court for the term. Judge Humphrey of the Queens County Court, in New York City, served notice on the same date that lawyers must pro

ceed with their cases or the cases would be dismissed. Judge Grimm, in St. Louis, fined an attorney for blocking a damage suit by filing a trivial motion

and leaving it unargued for months. The commission on the inferior courts of Boston, which gave a hearing Oct. 14, has a centralized system of city courts under consideration. The Boston Dis trict Attorney pursued a prompt and vigorous course by immediately bring ing the case of Richeson, charged with murder, before the grand jury on Oct. 26.

New York City in October, on charges brought by the Bar Association against fifteen attorneys.

The’ United Slales Supreme Court The Supreme Court of the United States convened Oct. 9 at noon after a four months recess. It will remain in session until the last of next May, and will consider as many of the eight hun dred cases now piled up on the docket as

time .will permit.

An estimate has it

that the court will dispose of about four hundred cases during the term, but that

about two hundred additional cases will be docketed before next June.

Unfortunately the delays in impaneling a jury in the tedious McNamara trial

in Los Angeles still show the urgent need of reforming our criminal proce dure. But the outlook for an improved administration of justice cannot be said to be depressing. Reports show

the newly established Court of Domestic Relation in Chicago to be doing highly effective work in bringing together hun

dreds of severed couples. The New York

A long list of important cases, second only to the'great Standard Oil and Tobacco cases, were to take up the atten tion of the Court at an early date. Three cases involve alleged violation of the Sherman anti-trust laws. These are the suits against the principal anthra cite coal-carrying railroads and coal owning companies, against the railroads operating the bridges over the Miss

issippi at St. Louis, and against James

Federal Judges Salaries Committee is

A. Patten and others, charged with

working to get the much needed in

cornering the cotton market.

crease of salaries before the favorable

progressive step. The Law Reform Committee of the New York City Bar

cases are those involving railway rates in Kentucky, Vest Virginia, Minnesota and Oregon, which have been set for argument Jan. 8, the so-called “ele vator cases" testing the power of the Inter-state Commerce Commission, and cases involving the rights of Indians to

Association reports that of twenty-four of its recommendations designed to reform the procedure in New York, nineteen became laws, and five were substantially or partly adopted. Dis

so-called “Stracy coal land claims" in Alaska. The Court has promulgated new rules for its procedure, designed to avoid

attention of Congress.

The constitu

tional amendment adopted in Califor

nia, preventing reversals in criminal cases on purely technical grounds, is a


alienate their land and the entry of the

barments of attorneys for professional

future clogging of the docket.

misconduct in their relations with their clients continue, several having been

the new rule one hour and a half in

disbarred by the Appellate Division in

argument of cases, and in cases certified


stead of two hours is allowed for the