Page:The Green Bag (1889–1914), Volume 24.pdf/12

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Cotzhausen, Frederick W. von Cushing, Caleb Gregory, Stephen S Haldane, Viscount Jenkins, Judge James G Kellogg, Frank B Livingston, The late Knox Morton, Judge James M., Jr Nottingham, William

60 facing 545 facing 281 facing 337 facing 57 facing 457 facing 377 facing 417 facing 113

PAGE Noyes, George H 62 O'Connor, James L 61 Olivart, Marquis de facing 225 Phillips, The late Isaac Newton .... facing 505 Quarks, Judge Joseph V 58 Scott, James Brown facing 169 Wigmore, Dean John Henry facing 1 Winkler, Frederick C 59

Subjects and Titles [References in heavy figures are to contributed articles. The alphabetically arranged departments Renews of Periodicals and Latest Important Cases are not here indexed] PAGE Aerial law 109, 229, 430, 560 Alabama Claims 547-551 American Bar Association 281, 468 "American Bar Association and Public Opinion" 493 American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology 479 "Appellate Autocrats, The, or Simon Ordi nary's Concrete Justice" 184 Bankrupt's Insurance Policies 419 Barreau, The . : 294 "Beginnings of a New School, The" 368 Biographical Miscellany: — "Bismarck on Eloquence" 450 Character of English Judges 236 "Common-Sense Lawyers" 269 Dodge, Judge Frederic 407 Eldon, Lord 216 "Ellenborough's Sarcasm" 100 "Firm Judge, A" 301 "General Brewster's Reply" 43 "George Eliot Used a Legal Opinion" . . 370 "Governor Corwin as a Story-Teller" . . . 368 "Hamilton, Alexander, An Opinion of" . 97 "Legal Calamity, A" 574 "Legal Finesse" 574 "Macnaghten, Lord" 157

PAGE Biographical Miscellany—(continued): Morley, John 495 "Out of His Office for a Week" 536 "Reminiscences of an Ohio Lawyer" .... 537 "Stranger in the Supreme Court, A" .... 449 Biography: — Carter, Hon. Bernard 357 Cushing, Caleb 545 Haldane, Lord 351 Lawson, Dean John D 367 Leaming, Thomas 95 Livingston, Knox 377 Morris, Thomas J 356 Morton, James, M., Jr 429 Nottingham, William 113 Phillips, Isaac Newton 505 Pitney, Mr. Justice 211 Scott, James Brown 169 Wigmore, John Henry 1, 48 "Celebrated Legal Corporation, A" 294 "Color at the Bar" 477 Compulsory Competition, The Policy of . . 17 "Confessions of Crime, Recent" 157 Corporations, Federal Supervision of . . 103, 164 See Federal Incorporation. Correspondence 101, 219, 271, 32 "Courts and the New Social Questions" ... H4