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102 slaughter in West Virginia, under which one may be convicted of ' .*"• *• ' * 1. Voluntary- manslaughter, 2. ..I 1Voluntary manslaughter, .3". '"jsault and battery, 4'.. 'Assault, is as follows: Stale of West Virginia, Monongalia County, to wit: The grand jurors of the state of West Virginia, in and for the body of the county of Monongalia, upon their oaths present that Richard Roe, on the 22nd day of January, nineteen hundred and twelve, in the said county of Monongalia, felonously and unlawfully did kill and slay one John Doe, against the peace and dignity of the state,

The old common law form of indict

ments should be embalmed, cremated and buried, and each state should adopt a "Code of Criminal Law and Proce dure" separating the civil from the criminal practice, and in this "Code of Criminal Law and Procedure" pre scribe the form of an indictment for every offense. This would materially assist the prosecution, and prevent the delays usually incident to the trial of one charged with crime. C. WILLIAM CRAMER. Chancery Row, Morgantown, W. Va. January 22, 1912.

USELESS BUT ENTERTAINING History Teacher. — "What was the Sherman act?" Bright Pupil. — "Marching through Georgia." — Pathfinder.

"The district attorney is willing to take a plea of nolo contendere," whispered the attorney to Judge Sanderson in the superior court, yesterday. "Yes, I am willing to accept nolo," whispered "Joe" Pelletier. "Astur Jager," began Clerk Manning, "you don't wish to contend with the commonwealth?" "Nicht guilty, nein, nicht guilty," replied stal wart Astur, keeper of a sailors' lodging house. Consternation for a moment. Attorney whis pers to client, "You plead nolo." "Yaas," breathed Astur in attorney's face. Attorney again faced the judge, picture of assurance. "All right?" said Clerk Manning sweetly. "You say you don't wish to contend —" "Ich bin not guilty, nein, not guilty," roars Astur. Judge wields a fountain pen nervously. Clerk still patient and sweet-smiling. Pelletier sinks heavily on a little chair.

Attorney resurrects handkerchief, mops brow and goes to defendant. "Now you say nolo. Get me? Nolo, nolo contendere, or better, just nolo. Now do it?" "Vat? How iss dot? You say, vat iss, vonce more." "No-l-o, very simple." "Astur Jager, you —" begins Clerk Manning. "Yaas," put in Astur. "You say you will not —" Great chest expansion on part of Astur Jager. Lower jaw of Astur makes rapid and ominous drop. Right arm rises, denoting impending exposion and decisive speech. John Manning sees approaching danger, so starts again with simply: "You want to plead nolo?" "Ooloo, oololoo." So yodels Astur with mightly and musical voice. Clerk, district attor ney, attorney, Court, all relax. Clerk Manning scribbles the open-voweled plea on the papers. Then the judge fined Jager $60 for having a revolver in his possession in his lodging house. Jager was in his own house, but pleaded guilty yesterday. He got a month in the lower court. "Like to see that tried out," said more than one attorney. — Boston Herald.