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The Green Bag

especially when accessible to interested parties during the life or at the death of the testator. The will of Theophrastus, mentioned above, end with the names of the tes tator, witnesses, depositaries, and in some cases the addresses of the witnessses. The conclusion is of interest and well worth quoting in connection with what has been noted above as well as from the fact that Theophrastus was the most distinguished philosopher and most popular teacher of the day, suc ceeding his master, Aristotle, as head of the Lyceum, for the maintenance of

which he provides in the body of the present "duplicate" will: His will, sealed with Theophrastus's own ring, is deposited in copies: one with Hegesias, son of Hipparchus. Witnesses — Kallippus, Pelaneus, Philomelas, Euonymeus, Lysander of Hyba, Philon of Alopeke. The second (copy) Olympiodorus has in his custody. The witnesses are the same. The other (copy) Adeimantus took but his son Androsthenes carried off. Wit nesses — Arimnestus, son of Kleoboulus, Lysistratus the Thasian, son of Pheidon, Straton of Lampsacus, son of Arcesilaus, Thesippus, son of Thesippus from the Potter's quarter, and Dioscourides the Epicephisian, son of Dionysius.

Woonsocket, R. I.


BY DAN C. RULE, JR. THE Republicans in caucus put the name of Adam Reese On the Balleville township ticket for Justice of the Peace; But the Democratic voters wanted someone who would be A credit to the office, so they nominated me. And judging by the merits of the candidates selected, Twas dollar bills to doilies I would be the one elected; The pre-election prophets, with my "stogies" making free, Would slap me on the back and say, "Hello, J. P.!" The meanest man in Balleville is Asher Tillingast Who for evil inclinations has Iscariot outclassed, And the blessed ties of friendship that loving hearts entwine, Don't bind with diamond hitches old Tillingast's to mine; So my astonishment was great when I perceived that he Was urging all the Balleville men to cast their votes for me. Before the caucus I had called old Tillingast a liar: Now he on my repentant head was heaping coals of fire. But Tillingast is just about as popular a fellow As is Jack Frost in autumn when the fruit begins to mellow; And man that's born of woman is very apt to mix A lot of human nature with his local politics.