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The Recall


ancfnot by injury to business, destruction or

concrete act that up to now has dealt

investments or confis^tion of property. . (a) Junsdiction for the administration and enforcement of the law on this subject shall be conferred on the courts of the United States and upon, such executive officers or industrial com-

whh the Trusts, I beUeve hag run Jts , . fourse and we must now trv the Issue m the court of public opinion." Judge Grosscup would regulate the profits

missions as Congress may from time to time

of corporations, not by the interference

designate or establish."

of government officials in their affairs,

Judge Peter S. Grosscup has already made known his dissent from the policy of enforced free competition. He again takes a hand in the discussion, going so far as to say that— "The Sherman law which is the one

as in Germany, but by curtailing their dividends to a just return on their investment. He would subject in terstate corporations to national regulation in the same way as interstate railways.

The Recall By DAN C. RULE, JR. nr*HE Greenville Blade was edited by one Augustus Shaw, -*• A seer in things political whom Greenville held in awe, To Congress thrice Augustus went, thrice Democrats elate To victory by him were led, until, we grieve to state, J. Freeman edited The Call, likewise in Greenville town, Of which the only purpose was to throw Augustus down. So Shaw in "caps" did Freeman curse, and Freeman muckraked Shaw, But when the former went too far the latter went to law. For damages did Freeman sue, and when the case was tried The District's voters solid were arrayed on either side. At last to give the jury's charge old Justice Bray arose, And twice His Honor cleared his throat and once he blew his nose, For well he knew that either way stern Justice' sword should fall, The losing faction loud would urge the Judge's prompt recall. Said he: "In this important case there's no opinion that Will meet the approbation of the proletariat; But summing up the evidence, I find, when all is done, The question for the jury is, Who'll go to Washington? Since judges by the crowd are judged, it is my firm design To quit my own judicial job and try a different line. A Congressman a man of worth and honesty should be, Freeman and Shaw alike are rogues, but what is wrong with me?" Ex-Justice Bray's in Congress now, and grows exceeding merry When some one mentions the recall of the Judiciary.