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The Green Bag

ernment fixing of maximum prices in other insubstantial error; (3) that the accordance with the Gary-Morgan plan. practice, both civil and criminal, be Another minority report was signed governed by a legislative practice act, by Representative Young of Michigan, as brief as possible, covering the sub adopting some features of the Gardner- stance of procedure and supplemented Danforth minority report just men by suitable rulings of the court, the tioned, but repudiating price-fixing. courts being clothed with ample power The last of the minority reports, to make rules for the orderly and expe signed by Representative Sterling of ditions dispatch of causes. Illinois, dissented from the proposed Michigan. — The Michigan State Bar government control and regulation of Association will hold its annual meeting prices. at Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 4-5. The matters to be discussed will include Bar Associations. American Bar Association. — The procedural reform in Michigan and home American Bar Association, holds its rule for Michigan municipalities. thirty-fifth annual meeting Aug. 27New Hampshire. — The annual out 29 in Milwaukee, has instituted a nation wide movement for more general obser ing and meeting of the New Hampshire vance of the code of legal ethics and for Bar Association will take place at the protection of the public against un Hotel Wentworth, New Castle, Satur worthy lawyers. The association is con day, Sept. 7. Hon. Herbert Parker, sidering the advisability of appointing former Attorney-General of Massachu grievance committees to hear complaints setts, who will give the afternoon ad and see to the enforcement of laws pro dress. The principal speaker of the viding proper remedies for wrongs com evening will be Hon. F. M. Parsons of New Hampshire. mitted by members of the profession. Alabama. — A program for the re form of criminal procedure was outlined in some detail by Governor Emmet O'Neal of Alabama, at the session of the Alabama State Bar Association in Mont gomery July 13. Among Governor O'Neal's recommendations, which were numerous and valuable, were the fol lowing: (1) That the common law powers of the judges be restored; (2) that the rule be adopted which now exists in England, and which now pre vails in several states of the union, and which has been indorsed by the American Bar association, which is in substance that the legislature shall enact a law that no judgment shall be reversed and no new trial shall be granted on the ground of a misdirection of the jury or

Ohio. — At the 33d meeting of the Ohio State Bar Association at Cedar Point July 9-11, Frank B. Kellogg made an address opposing the recall of judges. The proposed Peck amendment affecting the judiciary, as proposed by the recent Ohio constitutional convention, was approved by a vote of 63 to 21, and recommended for popular adoption at the polls in September. This amend ment provides for a new judicial system for the state, limiting the work of the Supreme Court and increasing the im portance of the Court of Appeals. De lays appeal will be greatly reduced if it becomes effective. The proposed sys tem complies with the rule that each suitor is entitled to one trial and to one appeal.