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The Green Bag

or disease arises from the failure of the employer to comply with any lawful requirement for the protection of the lives, health, or safety of em ployees. No. 9 — Mechanics' Liens. "Laws may be passed to secure to mechanics, artisans, laborers, sub-contractors and material men their just dues by direct lien upon the property upon which they have bestowed labor, or for which they have furnished material. No other pro vision of the constitution shall impair or limit this power." No. 13 — Eight-Hour Day. Eight hours made a day's work on all public work, whether done directly by the state or by contract. No. 17 — Prison Labor. Contract labor sys tem prohibited. Provides that prisoners in the penal institutions and reformatories of the state shall not be employed at work the pro duct of which shall be sold or given away, and that goods made by such prisoners, either within or without the state, shall not be sold within the state unless conspicuously marked "prison made." Provision is made that such prisoners may be employed in the production of goods for the use of the state or any political subdivi sion 1 hereof.

Provisions Affecting Business and Private Property No. 32 — Taxation. Provides for levying of a progressive inheritance, a progressive income tax, and excise and franchise taxes, and taxes upon the production of coal, oil, gas, and min erals. Retains the rule of uniform taxation in the present constitution, but provides that state, city, village, hamlet, county, or township bonds issued henceforth shall be subject, like other property, to taxation. Poll taxes prohibited. No. 12 — Conservation of Natural Resources. Provides for conservation by authorizing three sorts of conservation laws. Gives right to con serve mineral deposits and power to pass a law regarding the weight of coal as it comes from mines. Gives authority to encourage forestry gy exempting woodlands from taxation, and gives authority to provide water conservation districts. No. 7 — Legislative Investigations. Either house of the legislature may obtain information affecting future legislative action or with refer ence to any alleged misconduct of its members, and to that end may enforce the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of books and papers.

STATUTORY MATTERS No. 33 — Business Corporations. While the rule is retained which provides that corpora tions may be formed under general laws, it is specifically provided (1) that corporations may be classified, (2) that there may be conferred upon proper boards, commissions, or officers supervisory powers over corporate organization, business, and the issue and sale of stocks and securities, and over the business and sale of the stocks and securities of foreign corpora tions in the state; (3) that the sale and con veyance of other personal property, whether owned by a corporation or an individual, may be regulated by law; (4) that the stockholders cif corporations authorized to receive money on deposit shall lie responsible for all the contracts and debts of such corporations to an amount, in addition to their stock, equal to the par value thereof; and (5) that no corporation not organ ized under the laws of the state or person shall use the words "bank," "banker," or "banking" to carry on business except upon the condition of submitting to inspection, regulation, and examination as may be provided by statute. No. 42 — Regulation of Liquor Traffic. Pro vides for stringent regulations under a local option licensing system. The liquor traffic shall not be licensed where it is now or may here after be prohibited under laws applying to counties, municipalities, townships, residence districts, or other districts provided by law. No license shall be granted to a person who does not sustain a good moral character. No license shall be granted to a person who is not a citizen of the United States. No license shall be granted to a perons interested in the sale of intoxicating liquors at another place of business. Applicants for license must be the only persons interested in the business for which license is asked. Con viction for a second offense against the liquor laws of the state revokes license. Licenses are limited to one for every 500 population in town ships and municipalities. Municipalities may further restrict the number of saloons within their corporation limits. No. 10 — Present constitutional obstacles to Torrens land title registration system re moved. Provides for the creation and collect ing of guaranty funds by fees assessed against lands. No. 30 — Insurance. Provides for the pas sage of laws regulating insurance, including rates; foreign companies not exempted. Will