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The Green Bag

He counts among his clients some of the wealthiest families of the city as well as many of the most important corporations. He is conceded to be a leading member of the bar. Horace A. J. Upham, Esq., is a wellread lawyer, whose financial interests and connections give him a prestige not

Hon. James L. O'Connor, a former Attorney-General of the state, is a trial lawyer of excellent parts. He is particu larly able as a jury lawyer. But he is also strong before the court. He came into public notice by reason of his successful prosecution of ex-treasurers of the state for retaining interest money on trust funds. These suits were fought most vigorously, but the doughty little Irishman won out on all of them. He is an excellent platform speaker and is in demand for occasions other than those of a purely legal nature. Hon. William H. Timlin, a Justice of the Supreme Court of the state, whose present professional activities are at Madison, the capital, is a resident of the city, and it is possible that he may resume the practice at no distant day. He is an exceedingly well-read lawyer. He is a man with positive convictions of right and wrong and of course he makes an excellent judge. He was, practically, the unanimous choice of the local bar for the judicial position he now occupies. And this, certainly, is high praise to his learning and integrity. Mr. Timlin is yet in middle life and has many years of usefulness before him. Hon. George H. Noyes is General Counsel for the Northwestern Mutual HON. GEORGE H. NOYES Life Insurance Company, succeeding General Counsel of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. the late Judge Charles E. Dyer in that responsible position. He was, for a enjoyed by some other attorneys equally time, the judge of one of the local able. He is particularly capable in mat courts, but resigned to engage in the ters pertaining to business affairs, and active practice of the law with a leading is regarded as an exceedingly safe and firm. He has taken a prominent part sound counsel. His actual participa in much important litigation and is tion in the trial of causes is limited to regarded as a safe counselor. He is a a comparatively few clients in whom graduate of the State University and he has a personal or pecuniary interest. was, for several years, a member of its Mr. Upham is a son of the late Hon. managing Board of Regents. He is Don A. J. Upham, who was a prominent public-spirited, reliable and honest. Hon. William J. Turner is one of the public man in the city and state in the judges of the Circuit Court of Mil early history of the city.