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The Green Bag

conscience. Therefore, if the lawyer could be more of a public official, so that his obligation would rest more towards the public than towards private individuals and private interests,

he would not only be a greater factor, promotive of the highest aims of the profession, but would, like the judges, occupy the highest position for morality in the eyes of the public.

Milwaukee, Wis.

The Devil and the Lawyers THE devil came to the earth one day, And into a courtroom took his way, Just as a lawyer, with very grave face, Was proceeding to argue the points in a case. Now a lawyer his Majesty never had seen, For to his dominion none ever had been; "Tis the fault of my agents," his Majesty thought, "That none of these lawyers have ever been caught." And for his own pleasure he had felt a desire To come to the earth and the reason inquire. Now, when the first lawyer had come to a close, The counsel opposing him fearlessly rose, And heaped such abuse on the head of the first, That he made him a villain, of all men the worst. Each claimed he was right and the other was wrong. They sparred and contended and argued so long, That, concluding he'd heard enough of the fuss, "Old Nick" turned away, and soliloquized thus: — "They have puzzled the court with their villainous cavil, And I am free to confess they have puzzled the devil. My agents were right; let lawyers alone. If I had them, they'd euchre me out of my throne." — Docket.